Kennards Self Storage April eKourier



Everyone would have seen our Cyber Security Awareness Training videos featuring the characters Human Error and Sound Judgment. These videos serve as an educational tool and reminder for us all to be smart about identifying and avoiding various threats and vulnerabilities. Our goal is to create a culture that is Cyber Security aware. To achieve that, the education of Teams is key.

34% 79%

A side from these humorous videos, the service offers some other features. These include tools to mount email phishing campaigns as a means of testing the effectiveness of the campaigns and identifying opportunities for education. People are caught out by these across the entire organisation! You will note in this graph (right) that the one that caught most people pretended to be a Microsoft OneDrive email. Someone really sending phishing emails will use many deceptive practices such as pretending to be systems we actually use or people we actually know.

Phishing Campaigns

Clicking Links with the Kardashians 29/11/2019

LOS POLLOS Hermanos COVID Relief 21/05/2020

Dropbox Disaster 23/07/2020

OneDrive - ManyPhishies 11/08/2020

Bad News Day 5/11/2020









Sent Clicked

Another part of the service is a survey that gauges the sentiment of partici- pants in terms of their understanding of the security threats, what they can do and what the organisation is doing. So far, responses from across our organi- sation look like this (above): Information security requires confiden - tiality (keeping stuff secret), integrity

WHAT IS AT RISK? Money, information, technology and reputation could be at risk. This could include the destruction, exposure or corruption of one or more of the following: email records; financial records; business plans, processes

(keeping stuff intact) and availability (keeping stuff accessible). We have a security foundation and perimeter defence in place to protect each of these aspects, however no corporate network is infallible and that’s why our last line of defence is critical and why it is so important our people are cyber street smart…

con't next page

10 Kennards Kourier April 2021

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