Kennards Self Storage April eKourier



gave away part of your birthdate. Will you post which day it was next? Your Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is important to protect! • BEWARE FOREIGN OBJECTS: Be conscientious of what you plug into your computer. Viruses can be spread through infected flash drives, USB sticks, external hard drives, discs and even smartphones. Hackers have been known to drop infected devices like these on the ground outside a business to entice you to plug them into a computer. • EDUCATE YOURSELF: Educate yourself when it comes to cyber security. The more you know the better prepared you will be. Google 'Cyber Security Tips' and get informed. You can also look at Get CYBER S t r e e t Smart, don’t b e c o m e a v i c t i m I cannot stress that last point enough. Ignorance is one of the factors that "bad actors" (which can be cybercriminals or even nation states) rely upon to be able to infiltrate not just organisations but also individuals’ private computers. Don't underestimate the value of a compromised private computer, not only is your valuable information at risk, but put hundreds or thousands of them together and they've got a botnet capable of enormous power. That power could be used for anything from mining bitcoin, committing click-fraud, partici- pating in Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, transmitting spam or other nefarious activities.

and ideas; marketing plans; intellec- tual property; product design such as constructions specifications; customer records or employee records, either of which could include sensitive Personal Identifiable Information (PII) such as dates of birth. A cyber-attack can cause financial loss from theft of money, information or disruption to business. It can cause the loss of business by damage to reputa- tion or damage to other companies we rely on to do business. It can also cost time and money getting affected systems up and running again. The disclosure of PII puts the victim at risk of identity theft, financial loss and damaged credit. You can elevate your awareness! Informed Team Members are our last line of defence against the worst scum of the universe. • PLAY IT SAFE: Be suspicious about the senders of any unexpected message you receive via email, social media or SMS. If you weren't expecting it delete it. That includes unexpected messages from people you know. Also, that robo-caller telling you the police will be sent if you don't pay an outstanding tax debt using iTunes cards. • PASSWORDS MATTER: Use a strong mix of characters, and don't use the same password everywhere. Don't share your password, don't write it down and don't write it on a post-it note attached to your monitor. Also, the longer a password, the more secure it is, and Multi-Factor Authentication is immensely more secure. • DON'T CLICK THE LINK: Emails can be nasty, don't just click on any link. Instead, go to the website directly and log in from there. That email from Microsoft isn't from Microsoft. • DON'T BE OVERLY SOCIAL: Always review everything before you post on Social Media and never post personal information that identifies you. That public post where your birth month says what your spirit animal is? You just WHAT IS THE IMPACT? WHAT CAN YOU DO?

“Hi Malcolm and the Team,

Just wanted to say a big thank you for your excellent customer service. You have all been so helpful in making moving (which can be quite stressful), into a much easier task. Nothing has been a problem and you have gone above and beyond to give customer satisfaction. I am very pleased I chose Kennards and would recommend Kennards at Burleigh to others. "Where do I begin, your Team are an asset to your business. The girls were amazing at Milton, helping me at the last possible minute with storage solutions and accommo- dating the last minute removal company, who were also incredible, into the facility at the eleventh hour. The compassion and understan- idng shown to me during an anxiety episode was nothing short of exemplary. I'm absolutely shattered today but if it wasn't for your team, I'd hate to think where I would be both physically and mentally. I have a severe mental illness and the stress levels last evening were almost to a point of self destruc- tion. I'm forever grateful and it goes without saying that your Team are true professionals and decent human beings. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Estelle Hunt"

Michelle "

Sean Bradley ICT Manager

11 Kennards Kourier April 2021

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