Kennards Self Storage April eKourier
Above left: Mary Nessek (THQ) proud grandmother to grandchild Iva Jane, Born 7th January, weighing 3.7kg. Also pictured with brother Mateo. Above: Congratulations to Luke Korte (Panorama KSS) and wife Connie on the birth of their baby Dean Dimitrios Korte. Born March 27th, weighing 3.29kg and 49.5cm long. Left: Congrautaltions to Belinda Filipe (Wollongong KSS) on her recent marriage to Paul Filipe at the Sage Hotel Wollongong. Belinda and Paul were meant to be married in October 2020 but due to Covid had to postpone. Finally married March 20th this year.
Left: Jayden Jin (THQ) celebrating his son Liam's first Birthday in true Korean tradition. Pictured with his two year old brother Leo.
Right: "Here we are with friends at the Dayboro Qld Geocaching Mega event, on Hawaii night. If anyone at KSS is into Geocaching, our name is TeamJLBL. Yes we are a bit weird but it is fun!. www.geocaching. com." Brett (formely THQ IT department, far right) and wife Judy (far left), making good use of the KSS hawaiin shirts!
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. " Dr Seuss
19 Kennards Kourier April 2021
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