Kennards Self Storage April eKourier
Having a presence online is very important for business. Opening up the Yellow Pages is a thing of the past. We have recently released our fantastic new website and centres have been really great with attracting 5 Star Google Reviews. Blogs are another way to attract visitors to our website by sharing information.
S earch engines like Google use what’s called Search Engine Optimisation. This is when the user punches in search terms like self storage prices for example. All the relevant hits for these words /search terms are ranked and appear in order of results. So having more material online like a Blog that contains popular search words will create more views of the Blog and therefore your website. Utilising the expertise from our Digital Marketing Coordinator, can provide specific search terms for your particular area. This indicates what people are searching for, providing you the opportunity to tailor your content to the popular search terms. By constantly adding fresh content to the web through the use of Blogs we are maximising our search results. Firstly, open up the new website and take a look at the News and Updates Section to see what Blogs have been written by others. This will give you some ideas. Secondly, think of why customers use storage at your centre. Team Members are the best at knowing our customers stories. It could be that you have a lot of customers that store their camping equipment. A centre like Wollon- gong has a lot of campervan storage. Before Covid 19 Waterloo had a lot of students use storage during their end of year break. Your centre will have
something unique in what it offers or something specific that your customers use space for. You can also use events on the calendar to come up with an idea. You can write a Blog on how cheap storage is or a Blog about where to get moving boxes from. WITH THE GROWING MOVE TO CUSTOMERS USING THE WEB, POSTING BLOGS CONSTANTLY IS ANOTHER WAY WE CAN ELEVATE OUR BRAND AND PRESENCE ON THE WEB Once you have the idea it is then time to get creative. The content should read naturally but have structure by using a template that has an introduction, body then conclusion. Keep paragraphs short and remember to cleverly place key words / search terms. Make them fun! Once you get confident use the segue to your advantage. Start your Blogs without mentioning storage. For Wollon- gong campervan storers you can start a Blog outlining the top five destinations that people take their campervan to, or
list items not to forget when you go on a campervan holiday. You then mention storing a campervan can be difficult and the answer is storage. Then list off some features and benefits of using KSS and how easy the sign-up process is. Here are some commonly used search terms. See if you can spot the search terms I have used in this article: Cheap storage, Self Storage prices, where to get moving boxes, cheap moving boxes, caravan storage near me, garage near me. Add these keywords in a sentence within your Blog. End your Blogs with your centre's address, telephone number and the web address and sign off with 'Store with People who Care' or 'Kennards Self Storage, Creating the Space for Change' . Blogs are free! Think of a Blog as free advertising for your centre and that will be a good motivator. With the growing move to customers using the web, posting Blogs constantly is another way we can elevate our Brand and presence on the web. I Look forward to seeing fresh articles being published. Simply send your article to your Operations Manager for publication.
Antone Boustani NSW Operations Manager
9 Kennards Kourier April 2021
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