eKourier Oct 2014


10 Questions... With Tony Vuong - NSW Operations Manager

What challenges have you come across within your life that your KSS training has helped with? Becoming a dad in January this year. Time management and multitasking has been a crucial asset at home. Understanding the circumplex…moving out of avoidance when I have to change a nappy! Does the Kennards culture and FREEDOM values make working within the Team a rewarding one? Yes definitely, a big part of our week is spent at work, when Team Members embrace the culture and values this forms an extremely positive work place to be surrounded in. Which FREEDOM value do you relate best to? I have been married for three years to my wife Lauren and we have a cheeky eight month old daughter Selena. I come from a family of three kids;brother, sister then me. We migrated to Australia 31 years ago, originally from Hong Kong, then spent a bit of time in Vietnam with dad’s business and finally moving to Oz. Mum and dad are retired (Yes free baby sitters), brother is a doctor and sister stay at home mum. We love getting together every Sunday for a feast, so we take turns cooking. The doc comes in handy to monitor our cholesterol when it starts moving north hehe… “FUN”, say no more. Tell us about your family? What are your passions outside of work? Love cooking and exploring different cuisines, Tennis and Gran Turismo when Selena and Lauren are asleep. And finally to sum up Kennards in one word?

PEP was fantastic! The highlight for me included knowing that any changes that I had to make started with myself first.

How many centres do you oversee?

15 centres in total including Pymble.

How long have you been with KSS and what role do you have within the Team? I have been with KSS for three years this November. My role is Operations Manager in NSW. Could you tell us of significant takeaways from attending the KSS courses like “PEP”?

What challenges do you face as an Operations Manager? Water, is my biggest challenge and fear at the moment. When it rains I cross my fingers and toes that there are no leaks out there and damage to our customers units. I use to love rain when I was working in the food industry it meant we would be busy, not in storage I’m scared of rain now.


3 Kennards Kourier October 2014

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