eKourier July 2016

FEATURES Lighting Up The Room

strength, but by the strength of his convic- tions and his undefeatable optimism. What an inspiration. He lit up the room wherever he went. Inspiring stories about an inspirational human being, we can all take away learnings from how we inspire ourselves and everyone around us. Muhammad Ali lived all of the Kennards Values to the max: F un – all the time. R espect – he always respected his opponents, even if it did not look like it. He had a plan as to how he was going to fight and knew they were the best around. E thical – he refused to go and fight in a war he did not believe in and suffered significantly for his beliefs. E mpower – he empowered people around him constantly. D elight – say no more, everyone that saw or heard him was delighted!! O penness – one always knew what Ali was thinking or feeling. M emorable – his memories will live on forever. Anthony Rous Chief Financial Officer

R ecently one of the greatest human beings of all time passed away – Muhammad Ali. Ali was arguably the greatest boxer of all time as well as an entertainer. I believe we can all take away something from Ali’s positive energy and can do attitude.

with a 15th round knock out. Sylvester Stallone watched Wepner’s fight against Ali and shortly afterwards wrote the script for Rocky. Ali, just like the Greek Gods had his vulnerabilities, they were massive. But wow, did this man believe in himself.


‘ You can call it hubris, arrogance, or whatever you like and all of that would be true if it were not for his unbelievable record as a Boxer and a Human Rights Advocate. Often I have self-doubts, wonder if I’m really making a difference, being the best partner, or parent, or friend I can be. Then I think of Ali, who went into every fight, both in and out the ring, not just with his lightning speed and pure

Below are two extracts about Ali and his energy, enjoy. After putting Ali on the canvas in the 9th round of the 1975 title bout, Chuck Wepner went to his corner and said to his Manager, “Al, start the car, we’re going to the bank, we are millionaires.” To which Wepner’s Manager replied, “You better turn around, he’s getting up and he looks pissed off.” Ali would go on to win

4 Kennards Kourier July 2016

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