eKourier Jan 2019
Expansions And New Centres
Castle Hill NSW - Now complete The Castle Hill centre is up and running. The imposing structure really brings some colour to the Hills District of Sydney. Bankstown NSW - Ground slabs down Total Construction have the ground floor slabs down and are working towards the upper floors. Pymble NSW - Big plans for Pymble A small, but important stage at Pymble is underway with Evergreen Constructions. This new stage is just the start of some very big plans for this hidden gem. Ultimo NSW - January Start Robertsons Remedial and Paint have won the tender to repair and paint this iconic Sydney building. Works start this month and should take around four months to complete. Coorparoo QLD - Works underway Hutchison Builders are progressing well with this five storey building. Progress is up to the third floor with the fourth floor to be underway early this year. St Marys NSW - Fit out underway Apex Builders are going well on site with the external walls almost complete and the internal fit out underway. Thomastown VIC - Demolition underway Demolition has commenced with Hutchison Builders. The project is a refurbishment and expansion of a previous bulky goods complex. Springvale VIC - Demolition underway Demolition has commenced with Total Construction. The project is an expansion of the existing KSS facility and includes a new single building, a new two storey building and a new Enterprise Space building. Penrith NSW - Fast food outlets begin A new venture for KSS is to expand into the fast food market. At Penrith work has begun on four new fast food outlets, with landscaping, car parking and the construction of a new two storey building to compliment the KSS Penrith facility. Initial bulk excavation has commenced with Forte Constructions, completion due mid 2019. For regular updates follow Michael on Yammer and Twitter. Michael Macheledt & Craig Henery Development & Construction Team
Sam Kennard overlooking Coorparoo construction QLD
Castle Hill NSW
Coorparoo QLD
Bankstown NSW
St Marys NSW
15 Kennards Kourier Jan 2019
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