eKourier Jan 2019


Podium Customer Review Software Goes Live

C ustomer feedback has always been centric to Kennards. Historically customers may have written a letter, more recently they were sent an email and replied with their comments. Consumer feedback like many things has been revolutionised with the digital age. If you have ever read the book “What Would Google Do?” You would know the increasing speed of feedback and power that good reviews have for your online credibility. Google Reviews has now made that feedback almost instant. Customers are increasingly relying on Google Reviews to judge a business and the people within it. What others write about your business is public and carries weight to other consumers when they are making purchasing decisions. Google Reviews are seen as the most independent qualified source of how good a business is perceived by consumers. The number and quality of the reviews also impact what Google thinks of your business and how it presents us in search results listings. We launched last year with the initiative to request customers to complete more

reviews. We introduced the “Review Us on Google” card and with your efforts we saw a steady increase in the number of reviews. Podium has allowed us to turbo charge the

Our interactions with customers leaving reviews has been virtually instant and seamless. The platform also allows your Operations Managers to instantly see the new reviews and respond with thanks or in the case of rare complaints, contact the customer and try to rescue the situation. We can see the progress of centres as their number of reviews and star rating grows. We can even see things such as the “Sentiment” where the platform tracks how many times customers mention key words like “Friendly staff” or “Cleanliness” etc. This is a big step forward for KSS. We are the first business in our industry for Australia and New Zealand to use this platform. Podium has allowed us to turbo charge the number of reviews and enhance the way we handle them, increasing customer confidence and creditability in KSS. The number of reviews since we introduced Podium each month are breaking records, almost doubling the number since before Podium launched. Darryl Hodgson NSW Operations Manager

number of reviews and enhance the

way we handle them, increasing customer confidence and credit- ability in KSS.

We recently selected Podium as a platform to trial the automated sending of SMS requests for a review.

Since mid-August last year, new move in customers have received an SMS inviting them to simply ‘click’ and leave us a Google Review. The simplicity of the service has significantly increased the number of reviews we receive for each centre.


Kennards Kourier Jan 2019

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