eKourier Jan 2019


at THQ as well as the Learning and Development Manager at the time, Bill

more user friendly and offer the new team member a useful tool to progress forward rather than give them a pile to Kdocs to go through. The aim was to keep it simple to understand and offer the Team Member ample space to capture what they were learning. The new booklet is fresher and it is great to see the new Team Members use this guide on a day to day basis. It challenges them to makes notes that they can read and understand and refer to them when needed. Also notice- able is that the notes entered are not one off and continue to be updated as they repeat daily procedures and get comfortable doing them. The How and Why and questions that are asked of the trainee sets them looking for answers. This also serves as a good feedback tool for the educator to know how the trainee is progressing. The Hub Trainers Guide on the other hand ensures consistency at all the hubs. As we are all aware, we don’t have rules and regulations but Best Practice to reach the desired goals. The comprehensive notes in the guide provide a framework as we partner with the new Team Member to educate them and set them up for success at their respective centres.” Mark Montgomery (Three Kings): “With regards to the new Hub Training Guide I feel this has been long overdue. Not to say that we didn’t know what we were doing and a lot of us could do it blind folded but with the evolution of our business and the changes that have happened over the recent years this was a must. More importantly for the new Team Members that come on board they can work through the guide with their trainer and because they are writing down the information it usually sticks in the mind better but also can be referred back to.” John Fenton (Abbotsford): “This year has seen many exciting and new developments with the Education and Development area of our business. All of the Hub educators had a series of meetings with the Operations Team

Waterloo Huddle

McLean, in the middle part of last year to come up with a new process and guidelines as to how we can more effectively deliver the program to our new employees. One that reflects the changes that are and have happened in our business over the years. What we found was that the old style manual contained information and /or links that were no longer relevant to us today and were missing areas that needed to be covered in the first few weeks of the employee commencing with

us, as well as other areas that were not relevant in the first couple of weeks. We had at times many “passionate” discussions as to the format the new guides would take and the result is a document that takes us forward and embodies our passion and delight in the education of our future Managers of this business.” Mike Howard (Kirrawee): “In the spirit of evolution and improve- ment we all set about reviewing how we can revise the current training model and standardise the way we set our new trainees up for success in the Kennards family. As processes change there is a need to re visit and change the way we motivate, inspire and educate and ensure that the way we do things is consistent across the company. All the Hub Managers spent a few busy days workshopping the way we do things, white boarding ideas. The changes resulted in a new Hub Training and Learners Guide. The new Guides are printed and are now being used. I am pleased and excited to have been part of these changes with my fellow Hub Managers and l look forward to the feedback.” Darryl Hodgson NSW Operations Manager

On the 23rd of October 2018 Waterloo hosted a wonderful Team Huddle. The night was filled with lots of yummy food, BBQ’d fresh off the grill plate by masterchef Stuart Smith. Thank you Waterloo Team for hosting and all that attended. David Summers (Assistant MGR Waterloo), Luke Vandenbosch (NSW TSM), Antone Boustani (Manager Waterloo), Jason Ferguson (NSW TSM), Brianna Burns (Assistant Manager Moore Park), Ross Woodward (Assistant Manager Camperdown), Darryl Hodgson (Operations Manager), James Suh (NSW TSM), Matthew O’Brien (Manager Camperdown), Bernie Garcia (NSW TSM), Stuart Smith (Assistant Manager Waterloo), Antonio Kitagawa (Assistant Manager Camperdown), Johnny Tov (Assistant Manager Moore Park), Fabian Salamon (NSW TSM), Fritz Holt (Assistant Manager Waterloo), Jelena Stricevic (Operations Manager), William Arbuckle-Hill (NSW TSM), Cole Heaton (NSW TSM), Cameron Rickie (Manager Miranda), Anthony Sharpe (NSW TSM), Duncan Robey (Assistant Manager Moore Park), Joseph Do (NSW TSM) and Fawaz Sari (NSW TSM/Coordinator) Pictured left to right:

13 Kennards Kourier Jan 2019

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