eKourier Jan 2019
The New KSS Hub Trainer Goes Live
O ur Hub educators are an essential and critical part of the induction process. They are one of the most important influencers in how a new Team Member sees Kennards and for what they learn in those first few weeks.
passion that was present was awesome. We sincerely wanted to express our thanks for their efforts in doing this. We’re please to announce that the guide was launched in November last year. It is in use with several of our new Team Members right now! Keep an eye out for it in the hands of your new trainees as they make their way to your centres. It will be available to read at a later stage after the launch of our new intranet, just as the old checklists were available on KOSMO. For now, please feel free to review it with your trainee. Please check in with how they are going and feel free to share your feedback with the Hub educators. Some comments from the Hub Trainers that put the guide together: Glen DeSouza (North Lakes): “The reason the Hub Training Guide underwent a change was primarily to update it to meet the current needs as the company continued evolving. The new format came about after discus- sions to make it
This guide would be used by new Team Members to track each aspect of their training and be the resource for themselves throughout. At the same time, the Hub educators built a matching “Teachers Guide” with all the answers.
‘ We are pleased to announce that the guide was launched in November last year. It is in use with several of our new Team Members right now.
As you can imagine, with 90 centres, building consistency in the messages and processes is a key to our success. With all the Hub educators in the same room we were able to update, check and where appropriate standardise best practice. A few myths were busted and several processes were updated. It was great to see them come together to produce these guides. It took a lot of hard work and discussion over several days to get to this point. To see and hear their input, the ideas that flowed and the
When training a new Team Member in the past we used the trainee folders and checklists. The new Team Member prepared some documents as well. These had served us well however there was an opportunity to do this better. In the middle of last year our Hub educators came together for a workshop in Sydney. Together they re-analysed how we did things and the tools used to produce a new Hub Training guide.
Con’t page 13
12 Kennards Kourier Jan 2019
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