KSS October eKourier 2023



connections surrounding these young people with a supportive network of staff, peers and councillors to help undo the trauma they have experienced. Sonah and many before her have turned their lives around, graduating to the independent living program, and going on to achieve remarkable success. Sonah's email highlights the crucial role played by supporters and sponsors. SSH relies on the generosity of individuals and groups who partici - pate in events like 'Sleep Under The Stars'. These donations provide the necessary resources to continue offering life-changing support to young people in need. Every year Kennards gets behind this incredible initiative through platinum sponsorship and a team on the night replicating our FREEDOM values. Sonah shines a light on the vital work being done by SSH and underpins the importance of sponsoring. Every cent raised goes to providing stability, education, and a sense of belonging to vulnerable young people. We are reaching out once again, and we know that some of you have been with us every year for the Kennards Freedom Fighters Sleep Under the Stars event. Your unwavering dedication is truly appreciated, it's what makes our mission possible. Please consider a small contri - bution to this year's event or even take part, we know every dollar counts. The ongoing support from our dedicated team the FREEDOM FIGHTERS has allowed us to make a real impact in the lives of those in need.

Fiona Harding, THQ - 2022 Sleep Under The Stars event at Taronga Zoo, Sydney

2022 Sleep Under The Stars event at Taronga Zoo, Sydney

"Hi Kennards Family, my name is Sonah. I came to Stepping Stone House when I was 16. I was a confused young woman. I had no idea where my life was heading. I had no plans, goals, or ideas about what I wanted to do with my life. I was couch surfing, had no genuine connections, and was exposed to drugs and other activities beyond my control. Fiona, my life only became stable once I arrived at Stepping Stone House, and found a place to call home. Thanks to the generosity of Sleep Under The Stars participants, over 700 young people like me have learnt to become self-sufficient and educated young adults. The team made certain that I was living in a safe environment, surrounded by staff and other young people that I was able to build meaningful connections. In two years I turned my life around. I graduated to Stepping Stone House’s independent living program, and moved to Canberra, resilient and ambitious. I secured a job with the ACT Government where I have since been promoted and have registered my own events manage- ment company to make additional income. I have clear goals and a genuine support network. With your support, Stepping Stone House can help more young people in this way, with consistency and warmth, providing them with a safe home to rebuild their lives. Together we can continue to light a path out of homeless-

ness for more young people like me." Sonah

A More Promising Tomorrow

In a world often marked by uncertainty and challenges, the significance of organisations like Stepping Stone House (SSH) cannot be overstated. Sonah's heartfelt email highlights the profound impact SSH has had on her. Sonah's journey from a troubled teenager to a resilient, ambitious young adult is testament to the life-changing work being done at SSH. The absence of stable living conditions and supportive environments can make it exceedingly difficult for young people to find their footing. SSH offers young individuals in trouble a lifeline and a place they can truly call home. This stability forms the founda - tion on which they can begin to rebuild their lives. The approach is not merely about providing a roof over their head. It's about empowerment and education. Sonah's story is a striking example of how they empower vulnerable youth to become self-sufficient and educated young adults. Through structured programs and a nurturing environ- ment, they equip these individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in life.

Together, we can make a difference.


Fiona Harding Head of Business Development & Operations

One of the most profound impacts of SSH is its ability to create meaningful

14 Kennards Kourier Oct 2023

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