eKourier Oct 2016

Kennards Kourier

October 2016

This is all about fostering a positive, constructive work environment where people enjoy coming to work... results and formulate a plan for change to become more effective as an individual and a leader. The Team also spent time with each other one-on-one and as a group to discuss strengthens and opportunities. It was incred- ibly brave of everyone to open up in such a way that exposes themselves to evaluation and often criticism. The outcome These programs are not designed to change who we are. We should all be proud of who we are as it is our uniqueness and diversity that we bring to a Team. However we should also recognise that in each of us we have some behaviours that are more effective than others and it’s about using our “more effective” behaviours, our strengths if you like, over our ineffective behaviours which are our weaknesses. One of the best ways to understand which of our behaviours are more effective than others is by using the tools like HeartStyles that provide a vehicle for receiving feedback about ourselves from others. Tools such as the HeartStyles Indicator are incredibly useful for both professional and personal development, as long as the recipient is opened-minded and not closed to the value a tool like this offers. This is all about fostering a positive, construc- tive work environment where people enjoy coming to work and believe that their contribution is valued and makes a differ- ence. Developing our leaders is one large component of many, that goes towards achieving such an outcome. We all want to enjoy our work and do well for ourselves, each other and the organisation. Darren Marshall

able to interact and build relationships that are both productive and rewarding. Being open and accepting to the feedback of others is ultimately the best way to learn about self and become truly self-aware. We shouldn’t just listen to ourselves. Why? Because “the mind can play tricks on us” Individ- uals have this wonderful innate ability of convincing ourselves that we are okay and that it is everybody else who needs to change. This is the road block for many leaders who wish to be great. As a leader it doesn’t matter what we think, what matters most is what others

E very couple of years the Leader- ship Team are involved in a 360 degree professional develop- ment program. This involves completing a self-assessment and also an assessment undertaken by others who we work with, report to and manage. People involved come from all levels within a leader’s interactions in the workplace. Why do we do it? Leaders set the tone and the effective- ness of an organisation. The effective- ness of a leader will determine the effectiveness of their Team; their satisfac- tion levels, the outcomes they achieve and overall performance. To be an effective leader, the leader must firstly have an understanding of self and how their own behaviour impacts the behaviours of those around them. When the leader understands this, they are

around us think, rightly or wrongly.

How do we do this? In the past we have used the Human

Synergistic LSi1 and LSi2 diagnostic tool to measure individual effectiveness. Many of our Team Members have been exposed to LSi1 at PEP. LSi1 is the first self assessment tool, while LSi2 is an assessment completed on a person by others. This year we introduced a new tool to assess the Leadership Team. This was the HeartStyles diagnostic tool facilitated by Mara Klemich of HeartStyles with whom Kennards have had a long standing relation- ship, dating back to 1998 when our first OCI was conducted. The program was conducted over two days with each member of the Leadership Team receiving their results, then having one on one time with Mara to help interpret the


Kennards Kourier Oct 2016


Team Member Profiles

In this issue HeartStyles Growing Heart in Business 1 Team Member Profiles 2 10 Questions with... 3 New Development Pipeline Swelling 4/5 Above The Line Behaviour 6 Archive Champ or Document Hoarder 7 Customer Feedback 7 Technology Update 8 2016 Night of Achievements 9/13 Culture Award For KSS 14 The Growing TSM Family 14 The Journey of a Thousand Miles 15 All Systems Go With Expansions... 16 Spotlight On... 17 One Small Gesture... 18 Nev’s Notes 19 Kennards Community 20 Next issue Deadline: December 2nd, 2016 Editor: Sharon Dux Email: sharon@kss.com.au Distribution: January 13th, 2017 Upcoming events 24/10 - Labour Day - Mt Eden, Three Kings, Wellington PH Hours, All other NZ Centres Closed (NZ) 1/11 - MELBOURNE CUP (VIC) - PH Hours 17/11 - Christmas Party (SA) 18/11 - Christmas Party (VIC) 21-25/11 - Christmas Party (NZ) 25/11 - Christmas Party (QLD) 2 & 9/12 - Christmas Party- Sydney Region (ACT) 25/12 - Christmas Day - KSS Closed 26/12 - Boxing Day - KSS Closed 27/12 - Christmas Day Holiday (NSW/VIC/ QLD/ACT/SA) - PH Hours 27/12 - Christmas Day Holiday- Mt Eden, Three Kings, Wellington PH Hours, All other NZ Centres closed (NZ) 1/1 - New Years Day - KSS Closed 2/1 - New Years Day Observed - All Centres (NZ) - Closed

Bianca Adattini Assistant Manager - Bankstown NSW

Career background: I worked at Bakers Delight for six years part-time while studying at Uni. I am also a Personal Trainer. Marital status: Engaged to be married. Hobbies/interests: Playing sport, motorbike riding, target shooting, painting, my Playstation and taking my dog to the park. Do you play any sport or have any special talents? I play Soccer and Futsal. Favourite book/s: Dark Hunters Favourite movie: Star Wars Favourite restaurant/food: Italian and Asian

Where did you grow up? Hitchenbrook, was the best

thanks to my parents. I played a lot of sport. Any pets? A Dog named Bear and a Fighting Fish called Rainbow. Favourite holiday destinations: Fiji for its amazing beaches/ Islands and San Francisco.

John Li IT Support and Delivery - THQ NSW

Career background: More than 10 years progressive experience in the IT industry with industrial qualifications (ITIL V3.0, MCITP). Technical/Management skills to drive service delivery, Team development and management in all aspects of business operations within modern IT. Marital status: Married Any children? Yes, Angela our three year old, she has lots of energy. Hobbies/interests: Sport, exploring new technology, cars and DIY tasks. Do you play any sport or have any special talents?

I play Basketball. Favourite restaurant/ food: Anything tasty will do me!

Where did you grow up? I spent the first 23 years in Beijing China. It was a lovely place to be. I was raised in a traditional working class family. I don’t have any siblings due to the Single Child Policy. However, my cousins are all very close to each other just like brothers and sisters. I miss them all. Any pets? Not yet Favourite holiday destinations: My home town is always a good place to spend time with the family. I enjoyed my NZ Trip in 2012. Would like to visit Europe.

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10 Questions... With David Morgan - Assistant Manager Ultimo

on the island Santorini in Greece. That was an opportunity to fulfil my boyhood dream of seeing the ancient sights, such as the Giza Pyramids in Egypt and the Roman ruins in Pompeii. It was my first big overseas trip and a wonderful experience. Since then I’ve done a lot more overseas travel. Mary and I have been to Spain twice and to Malaysia, the Philippines and Hong Kong, Macau, Borneo, Solomon Islands, East Timor and Provence in France. My interest in wine comes from living in Mt Gambier which is close to the Coonawarra wine region. I consider this to be one of the best wine growing regions in Australia and the World. Good wines are also produced in other areas that I’ve visited like the Barossa Valley, Hunter Valley, Margaret River Cotes Du Rhone, Châteauneuf Du Pape, Rioja. What’s on the Bucket List? Parts of Spain I have not yet seen along with that of Portugal. Also England, then especially Ireland and Wales. Walking one of the Spanish or French Camino’s and Hadrian’s Wall in England. I will start with some of the great walks in Australia first. But for now I feel I have a lot more to contribute at KSS and I hope to do so for some years. To sum up KSS in one word? It’s hard to find just one word so I’ll use a number of one words: Evolution, Experience, Direction, Positivity.

which at the time was much smaller and we managed it with a team of two. I have now been at Ultimo for about three years. Moving between the centres has been easy because of the KSS standard procedures in place. How does it feel to be acknowledged this year for 10 Years’ Service? I almost can’t believe it’s been 10 years. It was terrific to attend the Awards Night and be recognised. In addition the gift of the 10 Year Berghaus Jacket is very much appreciated. What are the highlights for you and what major changes have you seen at KSS in these 10 years? When I commenced with KSS in 2006 it was not long after the Millers Storage acquisition took place. The biggest change has been the evolution of the business particularly with it’s operating procedures. The move to establish operations in New Zealand was also significant. Highlights personally was playing a role in taking Moore Park through to $3 million income for the first time. Attending the wine training at the Hunter Valley was also beneficial and a highlight because not only did it improve my skills for selling wine storage, it allowed me to study a little about wine and I came to understand more about my personal collection.

When did you start with KSS? 22nd June, 2006 and after a one week orientation at the Caringbah centre I went to the Moore Park centre. Have you always worked in customer service? I have had a variety of jobs. I was in manufacturing early in my career and became an Industrial Trainer before branching out into various customer service roles. Prior to joining KSS, I operated my own business as a painter. Tell us about your current position at Ultimo? Ultimo is close to the Sydney CBD, so we get interesting customers. It’s an historic part of Sydney and we operate in two heritage listed buildings. Managing the two buildings has an added challenge because both are treated as separate centres. Our daily routine requires two sets of dailies and banking and we also produce two vacancy lists. The advantage for customers is that we offer a wider choice of storage solutions. Have you worked at any other KSS centres and what was that like in comparison to Ultimo? This is the fourth Kennards location I have worked at. After a few years at Moore Park I moved to Waterloo which is the biggest centre so there was quite a large Team. Then I moved to Rozelle

Tell us about your family? I am married to

Mary whom I met in 2008. My two sons, Jason and Ben, live in Adelaide and I have five grandchil- dren. Jason is a Manager with a large freight company and Ben a Flight Sergeant in the RAAF.

We hear you are a world traveller and have a love of wine? My son Jason, decided to get married

Jamoneria Madrid


Kennards Kourier Oct 2016


New Development Pipeline Swelling at KSS

KSS Petersham, NSW expansion - lifting the pre cast floor panels for the second floor concrete slab ‘

O ur growth program is hitting a new momentum in the next few years. Acquisition circumstances and approval delays will make 2017 a particularly big year for KSS growth. After adding 16,811 square metres of additional space in 2014; then 14,445 square metres in 2015, KSS now has a development pipeline with over 118,021 square metres of space to be built and brought to market between 2017 and 2019. Kennards Self Storage has consist- ently been the biggest and most active builder of new self storage centres in Australia for many years. The pipeline through to 2019 looks even greater. 2016 will see KSS open a new location in St Marys, on top of a number of property expansions. In total in 2016 KSS will be adding another 31,643

square metres of new space and expansion space. ‘ KENNARDS SELF STORAGE HAS CONSISTENTLY BEEN THE BIGGEST AND MOST ACTIVE BUILDER OF NEW SELF STORAGE CENTRES IN AUSTRALIA FOR MANY YEARS. THE PIPELINE THROUGH TO 2019 LOOKS EVEN BIGGER. In 2017, Kennards will open eight new locations in various Australian markets. In NSW we have new centres in: Warrawong and Chullora; in Queensland we will open Murarrie; in Melbourne we will see both Hawthorn and Thomastown open; while in Adelaide, Croydon Park and Seaford Meadows will open their doors. Looking further ahead we have also committed to a new development which will be operational in 2018, in Melbourne’s Craigieburn. Our company is now joined by an increasing number of investors building new supply in the self storage sector. In addition, the new supply is not just coming

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market position as well as the customer experience. Despite the possibility of increased competition in some areas we are optimistic and our well located centres will enjoy growing demand and a bright future. KSS will continue to re-invest to improve our assets and serve the increasing demand of consumers. Sam Kennard Managing Director

This year we see Petersham and Waterloo undergo significant expansions. In the future all our well-located inner urban centres will also be considered candidates for expansions. These projects will not only add new space and scale to the centre but will re-position and modernise the property. The enhancements will improve our

from seasoned self storage players, but new investors and investment syndicates. The question of new capacity and oversupply may soon loom in the minds of self storage operators. Large influxes of new supply inevitably lead to the coincidental simultaneous opening of new projects in the same market areas. This will be a problem in those markets and will hurt most of those operators with only one or a few locations. Through geographic diversity large portfolio owners have oversupply risk mitigated. Opportunities do exist for growth, but careful analysis of the market should be undertaken and an ability to stomach a long and slow rent-up. Scarcity of property for all uses in markets like Sydney compel us to take a fresh look at our utilisation of existing centres. We have embarked on expansions that greatly intensify our use of our existing real estate.

Artist Perspective - KSS Croydon Park, Adelaide

5 Kennards Kourier Oct 2016


to maintain integrity among unforeseen circumstances. I see this as the Manager that recovers well after a tough few months. Instead of wasting time making excuses for poor performance, they continue to work on the small things that count, so they are ready when the market comes good again. Don’t sweat the small stuff and don’t let it snowball until it becomes a much bigger problem than it really is. If you lose a couple of customers to rent increases and another couple of new customers to your competition, how do you respond? If you move into a ‘fear response’ you will believe your prices are too high, your rent increases are too high and before you know it, your two or three setbacks become 100’s in your mind. Now you don’t believe in your product, so how are you going to sell? Their fear of failure is worse than the failure itself. problem? They look inwards, check and recheck what they are doing. Highlight opportunities for improvement and work on them. They would also understand that you will lose a few customers along the way. Expecting to win every battle is to aim for perfection over excellence. How does someone with Courage and Resilience respond to the same Teddy Roosevelt Wrote “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strived valiantly; who errs, who comes again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achieve- ment, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.” OAR-BED ‟If you live in Blame, Excuses and Denial, you make your BED and must lie in it.” Lynda Walsh Operations Manager NSW/SA Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing.

H ow do you respond when you have a bad month, bad quarter or bad year of results? Do you look for excuses or reasons? Storage is a reason- ably competitive business and experi- ences peaks and troughs, not unlike many other businesses. Of course, every Team has its challenges and the ultimate value of a Team is the ability to work together to overcome these challenges and produce great outcomes. But when problems mount rather than diminish, that’s when the Team shows what it is really made of. Think of our Training and Development Manager Bill McLean’s favourite saying in training – OARBED Ownership: We own the problem and the outcomes. Accountability: We are accountable for current and future results Responsibility: We take responsibility for getting things back on track and achieving our targets. Blame: “The problems are someone else’s fault.” Quick to point out what other people have done wrong and in doing so try to make themselves look blameless. Excuses: “There are good reasons why it couldn’t be achieved” “Our prices are too high” “People are moving out because of rent increases” “The Centre nearby is doing well, they must be taking our customers” “We weren’t

trained for this.”

‘ Rejection is inevitable when you’re in the game of sales, but the trick is not to let this discourage you. Denial: “The situation is not as bad as people are making out” “The other centres near me aren’t performing so it’s okay, it must be the market” “There’s no problem really, what’s wrong with losing 10% Occupancy.” Rejection is inevitable when you’re in the game of sales, but the trick is to not let this discourage you. Highly effective sales people don’t fear rejection, they have Courage, Resilience and they focus on the small things that make the biggest difference. “Courage” is the ability to cope with fear and failure. The courageous salesman is not afraid to lose a sale or customer, but rather embrace it as part of the process. They understand there are lessons in defeat and that perseverance is required for high achievement. “Resilience” On your way to greatness you will stumble. Resilience gives you the strength you need to get back up, dust yourself off and keep going. It’s the ability

6 Kennards Kourier Oct 2016


Archive Champ or Document Hoarder?

Customer Feedback “Great front desk, customer service was genuine. When both opening and closing my account (which was only ever needed for a month at the moment) I was very happy to be dealing with Azam (Flemington Assistant Manager). I mention him by name because he really seemed to enjoy and take pride in his job, whilst also seeing the need to ensure I got all the info I needed.” “From my first enquiry it has been a pleasant and easy experience to deal with your staff at Belmont. Three of my family have moved in recent months and all have told me of the good service received at Kennards. I also have to say that your website is excellent to use and gives results that you are looking for quickly and easily.” “I can’t applaud or sing high enough praise for your Manager, Steve at Pymble. An absolute professional; dedicated, friendly, helpful and a credit to your company. I never thought an employee at a storage facility could make such an impres- sion on a customer. I appeal to you to commend him and tell him he is a credit to Kennards and I commend you on his appointment, brilliant work ethic should be looked after. Varsha was also very friendly and helpful. Wow Mr Kennard great staff.” “I found the Springvale facility to be very well suited to using a removalist and also personally. I have used and looked at other competitors facili- ties but no other site was as easy to use, accessible and secure as this Kennards site.” Having the hire truck was very useful. The storage units were clean. There was enough of a variety of sizes to get one that worked for us.” “Phil at West End is awesome. His service is wonderful, personable and friendly.” “The staff were really good at Wellington, helpful and friendly.

B eing in the business of Do you follow the practice of “let’s keep everything?” Would you consider yourself a paperwork hoarder? Or maybe you moved centres and inherited a room full of files; poorly labelled, unorganised and way past their ‘keep by’ date. Your storage space is valuable and as we grow there is a perception for the need to store everything, including the kitchen sink! There is a need though to store some financial and business documents and secure storage of personal items for delinquent customers. Legal documents are required to be kept for seven years. Lucky for you, you have access to our own durable archive boxes and shelving, to ensure you are optimising your space. After all, you are an expert in this area for your customers already. All other documents used at our centres are not required to be kept for legal purposes and can be kept for a shorter period. These documents include Daily Banking, Weekly Lock Audit and Plan to Close Cards. We have updated KDOC 10126-1 to assist centres with this. It’s also helpful to have a discussion with your Storage, you would think we know how and what to store in our own office… right?

Operations Manager, as storage of these documents can vary.

Other storage needs as a business incorporate the care of personal items from a delinquent customer. These goods should be clearly labelled with the customer’s name, date of sale and unit number. Using boxes to clearly label the customers items that are poorly packaged can reduce the risk of loss and ensure proper care. Personal items can be disposed of after six months of the final sale date. Efficient storage of documents allows for productivity and releases units back for rent. Is there opportunity for your centre to review its storage needs? Carolyn Coates Operations Manager NSW Do you follow the practice of “let’s keep everything?” Would you consider yourself a paperwork hoarder?

7 Kennards Kourier Oct 2016


Technology Update - Finishing 2016 With a bang! W ell, I would be the first one to put my hand up and say IT don’t communi- cate technology plans and business tools we are developing in line with strategy to transform ‘how we work’. 3. New Mobile Site : ETA November 2016. Redesigned from the group up, and bundled

updates enough. In this game there is a tendency to over promise and under deliver. We counter that by drip feeding info when it is required, it can be a double edged sword. One thing is for certain, silence doesn’t mean we are standing still. Far from it, there is a lot in the pipeline. With that in mind lets go out on a limb, at least for projects currently in the oven with delivery most certain for 2016: 1. Rent Now : ETA November 2016. We expect it to be a real end to end digital game changer. Designed for instore purposes (at a later stage) from the beginning, this has meant it has taken a lot longer than anticipated. It will be introduced online this year. Digitizing Agreements then turned inside out and placed on store counters via a touch screen is what’s to come. 2. iDAM : ETA November 2016. The first off next generation app is a sign of things to come. iDAM handles Digital Storage Agreement cataloging and retrieval. Like Rent Now, iDAM positions the business to eliminate all aspects of paper based Storage Agreements as we know them. iDAM represents the next generation

with all the ecommerce features of the desktop version (Pay Online, Box Shop, Rent Now, Quotes & Reservations), we recognise mobile use is climbing every day, smart phones have changed the way we live and shop. Additionally optimized for locations based searches and Google’s next polarizing algorithm change, this one is a no brainer. 4. Amazon Infrastructure : ETA October 2016. All of the above require a rock solid foundation, leveraging the power, speed and resiliency of Cloud Infrastructure was an easy choice to make. Infrastructure is often the unsung hero, if you don’t get the building blocks right the applications you stack on them won’t set the world on fire even if they were intended to. Beyond 2016, we will continue the trend of modernising our application platforms with a focus on a shiny new intranet and a connected digital workplace through the integration of third party apps, single sign on, next gen business tools and better accessibility across the business. More news to come… Jeff Xanthos Chief Information Officer

8 Kennards Kourier Oct 2016


2016 Night of Achievements

O ur annual Achievement Dinner seems to come around quicker each year. It won’t be long before we start talking about and planning for our 2017 Achievement night. Like last year, we kicked the night off with our annual Scoty Awards presented by Darryl Hodgson. It was great to see such a large number of centres achieving Gold status this year, congrat- ulations to everyone. For centres who achieved Silver or Bronze, it’s always very close, so start now on your path to achieving another level of Operational Excellence next year. This occasion was another wonderful night of recognition and achievement for committed and passionate people at Kennards. Congratulations to the Distinc- tion Award recipients who achieved remarkable results around Income, Occupancy and Operations.

Rozelle Johny Vaman Jai Tripathi Chermside David Bauze Ella Marriott Warriewood Elle Graham Bob Dutfield Fyshwick Darryl Lewisson Colin Haden Warana Chantal Bastiaans Amy Ferguson Macquarie Park Mazen Trabolsi Cheryl Skelton Wollongong Mark Montgomery Matthew Jones Fortitude Valley John MacDonald Chris Rankin

Larry Incledon Jacque Stunell

Chatswood Eric Conliffe Philippa Ash

Preston Kailiam Hood

Gladesville Leanne Nassif Gary Stephenson Pymble Steve Jansen Varsha Samji Artarmon Mark Burgess Mina Shehata Ryan Brodie Dexter Sue Auburn Matthew O’Brien Debbie Jones Erina Jenny Smith Clint Thompson Mittagong Mark Mallinson Colin Fuller Kirrawee Mike Howard David Courtney Petersham Dennis Flack

Hastings Joshua Johnston Kelly Lang

Commitment to Operational Excellence Gladesville Leanne Nassif Gary Stephenson Commitment to Exceptional Income Growth Wetherill Park Leng Tang

Guildford Iftikhar Ali Medhat George

Sustained Income Growth Tauranga Duncan Newington Calvin Weston

Most Improved Artarmon Mark Burgess Mina Shehata Ryan Brodie Dexter Sue


Castle Hill Neil Pardoe Michael Baron Jim Gavin

North Lakes Glen D’Souza

Commitment to Occupancy Growth Wellington Ross Clarke

9 Kennards Kourier Oct 2016

FEATURES 2016 Night of Achievements Vermont

his own centre and then ultimately being unexpectedly told he was now the Managing Director of the business. During that time, Sam achieved many mile stones such as the acquisition of our biggest competitor Millers Self Storage in 2004, moving into New Zealand in 2007 and many more along the way. I know Sam is not keen on individual recognition

Newstead Cameron Ferguson Michael Steele

Peter Backo Lisa Staples

Huntingdale Dane Talbot David Oldham

Aldo Gortan received a special mention on the night in recognition of the positive

Flemington Trudy Iacobucci Azam Muhammad Virginia Trent Randel Wayne McLaren Hastings Joshua Johnston Kelly Lang Ivanhoe Nigel Spragg Daniel Huntington Marrickville Adam Snowdon Adrian Chiew Maroochydore Stephan Wandl Leigh Chaney Kunda Park Geoffrey Turner Karly Murphy Browns Plains Shane Pearce Joshua Hill Abbotsford 1 John Fenton Emma Whetnall John Golding Burleigh Junction Patricia Larkins Brett Meekcoms Hornsby Scott Degenhardt Brad Hampson Wetherill Park Leng Tang

influence he has had on centres where he has conducted Systems Reviews. Aldo is passionate about making a difference, often taking time to coach and explain to Teams where their opportunities exist and how they can make improvements. We then had a very special Award presentation for a very significant person. Sam Kennard was presented with his 25 years’ of Service Award by Wayne Birch. Wayne was the first person Sam, as Managing Director employed in the business. Wayne’s longevity in the business has allowed him to witness and share many experiences with Sam over the years and he was able to articulate that time in a heartfelt and entertaining account, leading up to the presentation of Sam’s Award. After accepting the Award, Sam then gave his account of his journey through the business, starting from humble beginnings, painting unit numbers above roller doors as a teenager and living on site in a caravan, to Managing

and that he is truly grateful for the work that the entire Team does around him. Our MC for the night was comedian Tahir Bilgic, known for his role as Habib in the sitcom “Pizza’ and an integral member of the hit show “Fat Pizza”. He was entertaining and funny and threw political correctness out the window.

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11 Kennards Kourier Oct 2016


2016 Night o

Tony Vuong – THQ

On the evening we also recognised the Five Years’ of Service recipients; congratulations to everyone who reached that milestone.

Dianne White – THQ/CCC

Wayne Birch presented the ‘Adding Value’ Awards and Certificates to some very worthy recipients. These are individual Team Members who were nominated by their peers for going above and beyond, making considerable contri- butions to the company and their Teams

5 Years’ Service Award

Dennis Flack – Petersham

David Oldham- Huntingdale

Daniel Huntington - Ivanhoe

Adding Value Award

Azam Muhammad- Flemington

Joshua Johnston - Hastings

Wayne McLaren – Virginia

Awards, appropriately reflecting the changes to the Mystery Shop Program over the last 18 months. The Program now requires a more rounded approach; what they call ‘Omni Channel’ meaning each of the different methods a customer can enquire about storage either by phone, walk-in, or online. The Program also includes a successful follow up which is critical to completing a successful enquiry. Congratulations to all Sales Excellence recipients who received recognition this year; the bar was set high and you were up for the challenge.

Nathalia Blanco Suarez – Brookvale

Kemal Sermen – Waterloo

Leng Tang – Wetherill Park

Chris Rankin – Fortitude Valley

John Fenton – Abbotsford 1

Duncan Newington – Tauranga

Debbie Jones – Auburn

Adding Value Certificate

Anthony Lo - Penrith

Anastasia Christou – THQ

Gordon Iyere – TSM QLD

Dennis Flack – Petersham

Cory Blake – Ultimo

Dane Talbot – Huntingdale

Sales Excellence Award

Randy Rigor –TSM NSW

Glen D’Souza – North Lakes

Abbotsford 1 John Fenton Emma Whetnall John Golding

James Suh – TSM NSW

Bill presented the Sales Excellence Awards, a name change from the previous Phone Sales Excellence

Christian Archer – Artarmon 2

12 Kennards Kourier Oct 2016


of Achievements

As always the highlight for me was the time catching up and talking with everyone, some fellow team mates who you only get to see once a year. The Stamford Plaza once again turned on a great venue and provided great service. Thanks again to Sharon Dux and Joanne Woodhouse who bring the night together every year and thank you to all who attended and made the night such a huge success. Darren Marshall General Manager

Auburn Matthew O’Brien Debbie Jones Tauranga Duncan Newington Calvin Weston Thebarton Owen Grasby Daniella Hopkins Susan Graham Warana Chantal Bastiaans Amy Ferguson

Aldo Gortan - TSM

David Morgan – Ultimo

Joel McDonald – Mona Vale 1

Phillip Gallop - Penrith

Sashnie Reddy – Hoxton Park

Robert Todd – Klemzig

Mark Montgomery (right) – Wollongong

Sharon Dux – THQ

CCC Amy Roberts

Finally the formal ceremonies on the night were concluded with the Ten Years’ of Service Awards presented by Sam Kennard. This year we had a big group of 14 recipients, recognising loyal Team Members who have given outstanding long term commitment to the business.

Ten Years’ Service Award

Mary Nessek – THQ

Clint Thompson – Erina

Ben Moon – Prospect

David Bauze – Chermside

Amy Roberts – THQ

13 Kennards Kourier Oct 2016


Culture Award for KSS Again in 2016

Hear what TSM’s have to say about their role: “I love what I do for the variety, be it working in a small or big centre, I get to work with different Team Members all over Sydney.” Antone Boustani. “I like meeting new people, going to different centres and more importantly discovering new cafes for lunch!” James Suh. “I love being able to help a centre when they are in need of assistance and provide a fresh outlook.” Daniel Kaminsky. Tony Vuong Operations Manager NSW “Andrew has been an absolutely fantastic help. He’s always really pleasant, happy to help and does the right thing by his customers which is fantastic. Operating a business out of a storage locker with multiple different Teams accessing the same lockers has been made a breeze! Thanks Kennards Wentworthville Team, particularly Andrew.” “Thanks for your email. I have been meaning to get in touch to give you feedback about the treatment I have had over some time from the people on your staff at Booth Street Camperdown. I have to say I found everyone there unfailingly professional friendly and helpful. Karen in particular went above and beyond to help me out. You have a great crew there!” “I wanted to email you personally, I have to give a huge shout out to your Kirrawee staff that I have dealt with - David and Mike. They are so wonderful, so customer focussed and an absolute asset to the Kennards group. I have been raving about them all week.” “Brilliant Team at Kennards Onekawa. Everyones so helpful, getting our gear into storage ready for our move to Auckland, and we didn’t even have to be there! Thanks so much David for making this stress free. Definitely recommend them. Best customer service I have had in ages. Good on ya Kennards!!” “Love these guys at KSS Kunda Park!! Have been storing stuff here for the past few years, never a problem, staff are great (Especially Geoff !! Thanks Geoff!). Would highly recommend these people for storage any day!!” Customer Feedback

I t was another delight to be recognised again for our Constructive Culture at the Human Synergistics Conference on September 27th. Shaun McCarthy (CEO of Human Synergistics - Pictured above with Sam Kennard) has obvious pride in our results and our continuing measurement of culture. We recognise how much we believe culture makes a genuine difference to a company. There was also additional warmth and appreciation from the entire audience at the conference when our name was mentioned for the Award, greeted with spontaneous applause. The credit for the recognition of our culture goes to everyone in KSS for continuing to live in the Blue. Sam Kennard Managing Director

The Growing TSM Family As KSS continues to grow our Team Support Managers (TSM) also continue to grow with a total of 27 TSM’s across all KSS now.

When a TSM is working at your centre, they are scheduled to be at your centre for that day, given there are no circumstances that may require them to be moved to another centre. Here are a few tips to Assist TSM’s when at your centre: • Detailed notes in Storman, this helps TSM’s and any other Team Members understand the details on the account.

The role of a TSM can vary from covering leave to centre emergen- cies and Team changes. A TSM is vital in minimising any disruptions to centre operations by providing cover at a centre when needed. They are able to share many ideas and experi- ences from other centres they have been working at and add value. TSM’s can also benefit from feedback and mentoring from their teammates to help them become a champion in their role.

• Centre maps or layouts.

• Updated Security Register in the TSM folder.

14 Kennards Kourier Oct 2016


The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With One First Step

- Exercise, because without physical relaxation we breed stress and anxiety in our body right from the very start of the day. - Don’t check your mobile phone and the message contents until later in the morning. Technology can drain your mind and sap energy levels. - Play with your pets or have fun with family members. It helps start the day on a joyful note. - Set your alarm to an uplifting tune and something that won’t ‘jerk’ you awake. - Smile and consider what makes you happy for the upcoming day because this will create happy emotions. Another thing that frustrates people in the morning is the long commuting time to get to work. Whether you’re travelling by car, train, bus, bicycle or walking, we can still all enjoy the commute with some positive creative thinking. - Listen to some calming music and sing to those songs you like the most (Please note that it may become a bit embarrassing if in a public place). - Wake up to a clean household.

W hen you wake up in the over in bed and going back to sleep? Negative thoughts are the most influen- tial and emotional experiences in our lives. How we handle those situations when they arise can also influence the way we act when we first get out of bed and can affect our thoughts for the rest of the ensuing day. morning after the alarm has been activated, have you ever felt like just turning

certainly set the tone for our emotions for the rest of the day based on those first few steps. What can be disturbing is that our early experiences can be quite negative. Unfortunately, journalism tends to concen- trate on the negative aspects of our lives before turning their attention to those positive experiences and features that make our world such a lovely place to be a part of. Media negatives are what sells papers and gets us reading or listening to programs. But it can have the adverse

- Buy an audiobook for the car.

- Do some creative writing on the bus such as writing a poem on your iPad, drawing on a sketch pad, edit a photo on your tablet or just think about fun things and relax.

People have the tendency to want to know what’s happening in the world or what has occurred with their immediate family or within their friend’s lives whilst they’ve been asleep. Generally, we all make this habit, a first priority of the day. People will check their social media page, emails, read the newspaper, turn on the radio, or watch the morning news on TV, at the very moment they get out of bed. However, what we read and listen to first up in the morning can ‘ The most important thing to remember is the way we address the first steps of the day may influence the journey we take for the rest of the day. effect of influencing the way we feel and can set our thoughts from the very start of the day to a negative frame of mind. Tips to ensure your day is filled with positivity and enjoyment: - Sleeping habits need to be consistent - Our first meal intake needs to be delicious and something that we enjoy making.

- Sit straight and breathe slowly.

- Download a Chess or Scrabble App on your phone to play with friends or others online. - Leave five minutes earlier to avoid the stress and worry you might run late. The most important thing to remember is the way we address the first steps in our new day may influence the journey we take for the rest of the day. Wayne Birch Operations Manager VIC

15 Kennards Kourier Oct 2016


All systems Go With Expansions and New Sites

Waterloo NSW

St Marys NSW

Warrawong NSW - Start in November Just negotiating the final building contract as this goes to print, looking to start on site November 2016 with an August 2017 handover offered by the Builders. Petersham NSW - Roof structure has commenced The first floor and part of the second floor is poured, columns are finished and the roof structure has commenced. Waterloo NSW - Floor slab now complete The entire floor slab is now complete, most of the roof structure is complete and the roof sheeting and internal fit about to start. Hawthorn VIC - Demolition 100% complete All our permits are in place. The demolition is 100% complete, piles have been installed and columns are underway. Seaford Meadows S.A - On site work has commenced On site work has just started with initial scraping of the site underway. Murarrie QLD - Civil works underway Civil works are well underway with all the piles complete and the ground floor columns underway. St Marys NSW - Nearing completion All the driveways are complete, Building E is 90% complete,

Buildings A, D and G have their roof and external walls complete with just the fit out remaining. Chullora NSW - Works to commence this month Total Construction have won the tender and are working through the engineering design with on site work to commence this month. Mittagong NSW - Building slabs underway Building 5 slabs are complete with a start made on the building framing. Building 6 slabs are being prepared for concrete pour. Thomastown VIC - With Council This is painfully bogged down in Councils bureaucracy. With an October planning approval we are still hopeful of starting work this year. Croydon Park S.A - Planning application has been lodged Planning Application has been lodged with positive feedback to date. We will move to start tendering and begin on site works by the end of the year. Camperdown NSW - Tenders are out Tenders have been sent out. Planning to commence construction early January 2017. For regular updates follow Michael on Yammer and Twitter. Michael Macheledt & Craig Henery Development & Construction Team

Hawthorn VIC


Kennards Kourier Oct 2016


Spotlight on Hoddle Street Abbotsford

A bbotsford1 located on Hoddle Street, Melbourne has a rather lovely history behind it brought to light recently by Ron Trescowthick, the Great Grandson of the original owner. Ron stopped by to see his Great Grandfathers factory. accommodate his business of making leather boots. In the early 1900’s Abbots- ford and the surrounding suburbs was a thriving area of factories specialising in the manufacturing of leather goods. He initially commenced his business in 1892 in Roseneath Street in Clifton Hill. By 1903 he was revered as one of the most nourishing businesses in connection with the boot manufacturing industry, at one point having over 250 employees. 324-328 Hoddle Street’s original façade is still present today and is included in the States Heritage listing along with Kennards Langridge Street, located 2km down the road. Since its boot making days Hoddle Street has been the home of the Bureau of Meteorology, before becoming a timber yard, then Millers Self Storage and then shortly after Kennards acquired the property during the Millers acquisition. Abbotsford1 recently underwent extensions on the north west side of the property to increase our selection Originally built in 1910 by Charles Trescowthick, its purpose was to

loading area. However we are incredibly vigilant and ensure that the loading area is swept and dusted every day. Before the extensions the centre was at 88.5% occupancy. After the new units were added into the mix we dropped to 71%. Today we are sitting at 78.2%. Our Wine Storage is over 90% with solid growth in yields. The Team look forward to reaching the 80% mark before this year is out and hit 85% by June 2017. The Team at Abbotsford1 consists of John Fenton, Centre Manager of almost three years, John Golding our supportive part time help and myself, the Assistant Manager. Emma Whetnall Kennards Self Storage Abbotsford1

17 Kennards Kourier Oct 2016


One Small Gesture Can Mean The World To Another

Kennards Supporting The Community

I t’s amazing what can happen when human beings come together to help one another. One small gesture can mean the world to another. Joanne Ritchie Founder of Books For Fiji tells her story about how Books For Fiji was born and the journey so far. Kennards Self Storage donate boxes when needed to this worthwhile cause. “Books For Fiji (BFF) started in 2015. It was my first visit to Fiji but fortunately we have friends there, on the island of Taveuni. We were heartily welcomed into the local village of Sogulu near our friends’ house. After touring throughout the island we discovered the want and need for kid’s books. The schools have very little, and no libraries. I knew I could get wonderful books back here in the Northern Beaches of Sydney from my children’s old schools. Upon returning home I called the boys’ schools. Yes, they regularly cull the library shelves and I was welcome to come and get boxes of books. That was the beginning. Word got out via the International Association of School Library-ship, Oceania (IASL) and many schools responded. We now can get many good quality, already accessioned, library books. My husband and I collect the books throughout Sydney. I sort them into kindy, primary, secondary, fiction or

non-fiction and re-box them. We have now shipped eleven pallets of good quality library books to Fiji. The first pallets were quite fragile and not very stable, until Kennards Self Storage donated their strong medium size heavy duty boxes to our project. These are easily palletized storage boxes. They kindly continue to donate boxes for our shipments. The project now grows with a life of its own through the help of our many friends.”

“A huge thank you from Floraville School community (pictured above and below) to Kennards Self Storage at Belmont for providing discounted Kennards Boxes that we needed to ship our donations that the kids at the school collected for Fiji. We sincerely appreciate your support.” Jenny White, Deputy Principal, Floraville Public School.

Joanne Ritchie, Books For Fiji.

Sharon Dux EA to MD

18 Kennards Kourier Oct 2016


Nevs Notes... Extend Politicians’ Holidays To Create Prosperity

Nev enjoyed expressing his ideas in this section of the Kourier. These little gems have been appreciated by many in KSS. We will continue to publish his ideas that we have in stock. Enjoy!

T he government and much of spending. Many economists who have gone through the conventional universi- ties still believe in the Keynesian model of “managing” an economy. Keynes, Samuelson, Krugman, Gittins have never “got” the essence of capitalism, of Austrian Economics as propounded by von Mises, Hayek, Hoppe. Governments do “stimulus” to crank things up. They exhort the banks to lend. They are not dumb people, but they are wrong. It is not “spending and consumption” that create wealth; it is saving and investment. Duh! the mainstream media and the establishment business interests, want to create prosperity through

Spending and Consumption are what follow Saving and Investment, not what precede it. It was an over-exuberance for spending and consumption that brought on the Global Financial Crisis. People borrowed and spent. Govern- ments (in many countries), with their big-spending ways, their corrupt central banks as monopolist issuers of legal tender, encouraged this spending. What should be done now, today, is for governments to cut spending — their own wasteful spending. Cut it now, cut it big. Cut government departments and the regulation that holds them up.

tomorrow, is to cut taxes; eliminate many silly little nuisance taxes, cut company tax and personal income tax to a maximum rate of 25%. A max rate of government spending (all govern- ment — Federal, State and Local) to GDP must be 30% in the first year. Then reduce by 2% a year till you get it to 25%, then I will let you go a bit slower — say 1% p.a. till you get to 20%. At 20% Government Spending: GDP the economy will boom and people will be prosperous. It’s the economy, stupid! And that is it. Do no more. Sit back you busybody politicians and watch the correction take place. Go on holidays. You can stay in first-class hotels, drink champagne, have talk-fests, waste the tax-payers’ money — this will be less damaging then “doing things” (and you can still save face by saying that you’re doing your own stimulus spending). Go away, do nothing, and if you really have to do something, do some undoing. Undo, de-regulate, privatise, de-tax. People who have over-indulged go away for a De-Tox at a spa. Politicians should take themselves off to such a place for a De-Tax. Clean up body, mind and economy.

Before money can be spent on consumption it needs to be earned and saved; the alternative to saving first and then spending is borrowing and spending. Then you have to pay it back. Duh!

The next thing to do, tomorrow, is privatise everything in sight; this will balance the budget quickly.

Before money can be spent on consump- tion it needs to be earned and saved; the alternative to saving first and then spending is borrowing and spending. Then you have to pay for it later. Duh!

January 9th, 2011

The third thing to do, the day after

19 Kennards Kourier Oct 2016

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