eKourier July 2016
Team Member Profiles
In this issue It’s Not a Junket
Kelly Lang Assistant Manager - Onekawa NZ
Team Member Profiles
10 Questions with... 3 Lighting Up The Room 4 Say Goodbye To Yellow Pages 5 Customer Feedback 5 Momentum Outcomes 2016 6/7 It’s Your Night 8 Farewell Bev Brooking 9 Ripe For The Picking 10/11 What Makes A Storage Hoarder... 12/13 Holding Keys And Codes... 13 Oils Ain’t Oils 14 Learning From The Mystery Shopper 15 Expansions And New Sites 16 Spotlight On... 17 One Voice 18 Sleep Under The Stars 18 Nev’s Notes 19 Kennards Community 20 Next issue Deadline: September 16, 2016 Editor: Sharon Dux Upcoming events 8/8 - Royal QLD Show - Logan City/Moreton Bay (Browns Plains & North Lakes Centres Only) (QLD) - PH Hours 10/8 - Royal QLD Show (Brisbane City Centres only) (QLD) - PH Hours 13/8 - Kennards Self Storage Annual Achievement Dinner 26/8 - Gold Coast Show - Burleigh Jct only (QLD) - PH Hours 25/9 - Daylight Savings Starts (NZ) 2/10 - Daylight Savings Starts (NSW/VIC/ACT/SA) 3/10 - Labour Day (NSW/ACT/SA) - PH Hours 3/10 - Queens Birthday (QLD) - PH Hours 21/10 - Hawkes Bay Anniversary Day(Napier / Onekawa /Hastings Closed) (NZ) 24/10 - Labour Day- Mt Eden, Three Kings, Wellington PH Hours, All other NZ Centres Closed (NZ) Email: sharon@kss.com.au Distribution: October 14, 2016
Career background: Prior to Kennards I was a Child Care Consultant for Barnardos Kid Start. Marital Status: Not Married. Any children? No kids. Hobbies/interests: Eating, wine and spending time with my animals. Do you play any sport or have any special talents? I ride horses.
Favourite book/s: A Child Called It, The Lost Boy, A Man Named Dave. Favourite movie: The Fault in the Stars. Favourite restaurant/food: McDonalds Where did you grow up? I was born in Hawkes Bay and grew up with my twin sister and brother. Any pets? I have a dog Louis and a horse named Tyson. Favourite holiday destinations: Gold Coast; nice weather, beaches and shopping.
Fritz Holt Assistant Manager - Moore Park NSW
Career background: I’ve spent the last 10 years in retail. Before that an English Teacher, Bartender, Martial Arts Instructor, Club Bouncer, Web Master and a Tyre Mounter. Marital Status: Married. Any children? Max who is four years old. Currently his special talent is tricking people to give him candy! Hobbies/interests: I enjoy going to the Movies, Pubs and trying new restaurants. I also enjoy travel and have visited 15 countries in the last 20 years. Do you play any sport or have any special talents? I was Nationally ranked in Judo
10 years ago in the U.S.A. Favourite book: The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. Favourite movie: Army of Darkness. Favourite restaurant/ food: Steak and Potatoes. Where did you grow up? San Diego, California. It was much like Sydney but with better roads and more fog! Any pets? Not at the moment. Favourite holiday destinations: Ireland.
2 Kennards Kourier July 2016
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