eKourier July 2016


Sleep Under The Stars

October 7th why not join the KSS Team and sleep out under the stars to help raise funds for the homeless and youth at risk in NSW. This year marks the second annual Stepping Stone House Sleep Out. Last year the weather was not favourable but the event still managed to raise over $60,000. We invite you to get out of your comfort zone for a night, and challenge yourself to confront the harsh reality faced by many of the homeless young people in NSW every night. Register and join the KSS Team and then get sponsored for sleeping rough. All participants on the night are provided with donated Kennards Self Storage Boxes when they arrive which they then need to build themselves a shelter/bed for the night. The location for the Sleep Out allows you to wake up the next day with this million dollar view!

T his is not just any old bus that has taken shelter at our Prospect centre. This well equipped bus provides not only a shower for people experi- encing homelessness but a pathway to a brighter future. One Voice assist homeless youth living on the streets who are in need of basic help and support; providing practical human services, giving hope and opportu- nity for a better standard of life. Josh Wilkins approached KSS earlier this year in hopes we could help One Voice. Josh needed somewhere to store the Mobile Shower Bus when

Steve Fone Centre Manager at Prospect with the Sydney Mobile Shower Bus

hygiene products and hair cuts. This helps restore ones dignity and provides a platform for One Voice to build a relationship on to encourage people to look at options that lead out of homelessness. Currently One Voice have three Mobile Shower Buses servicing six locations with over 3,400 showers provided so far.... To find out more: www.onevoice.org.au Sharon Dux EA to MD

not in use, he also needed a small storage space to store things such as soap, deodorant, underwear and towels. After the huge success of the first two Mobile Shower Buses in Melbourne Josh saw opportunity to help in Sydney. We were able to provide Josh with both a storage space and an outdoor space to park the bus at our prospect location. Anyone experiencing homelessness has access to the Mobile Shower and can also access free clothing,

For more information contact Sharon Dux at sharon@kss.com.au. It’s one night out of the rest of your life, go on, make a difference! Sharon Dux EA to MD

18 Kennards Kourier July 2016

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