eKourier Jan 2020
desire to know or learn something”. Curiosity is a passion for understanding and the discovery of new things, which leads to pondering the possibilities that lead to the creation of new ideas. A lack of curiosity can mean accepting the status quo. This can lead to compla- cency and resistance. This stifles progress and innovation for business improvement. We like to consider ourselves a forward thinking business committed to being the best we can be, this requires challenging the status quo and encour- aging the creation of ideas. This is what puts curiosity in our top five must haves for success. Our Top Five Don’ts The opposite of the Do’s, where people don’t feel supported and looked after, they lack clear goals and objectives and are not inspired to do their best.
M ay 2019, we decided to skip the Organisational Cultural Survey and instead conduct a Leadership Program involving 360-Degree Feedback. The Program evolved using the LSI 1 and 2 assess- ment tool divided into “description by self” and “description by others” and you hope the results are close to the same. Feedback by others is crucial in understanding how our behaviours affect others and allows self reflec- tion that leads to awareness and then to self-improvement, in theory. When the results of the two assessments are very different this can be confronting, and lead to some time with Sarah, that’s another story. In addition to the LSI assessments the program involved identifying the recipe for success based on Do’s, Don’ts and Might Do’s in business. Top five “Do’s” recipe for success, Top five “Don’ts” we absolutely don’t do! Top five “Might Do” from time to time. The Top Five Do’s, Don’ts and Mights relate to how we behave and act in the workplace that will make us more effective as leaders. Our top Five “Do’s” Is about people who are confident in their roles, they feel supported and looked after and have a clear purpose to do and achieve their best. 1. INSPIRED This is management 2.0. Dan Pink describes Management 1.0 as command and control, the carrot and stick approach. Inspiring is about providing guidance, knowledge and most importantly the trust and confidence in someone to perform their role. Doing this engages the whole
person to perform at the highest level.
2. SUPPORTED Support comes in many forms. Advice, trust and training is strongly related to people performing at their best. 3. CONFIDENT Teams should feel confident to act in the interest of the customer and the business. This is about empowering our Team Members and is one of our seven Freedom values. CARE IS A CORNER- STONE OF 4. CARE Care is a cornerstone of Kennards, how we handle our customers is from the ethos of Care, we have the customers interests at heart. If we care about our people they will care about our customers and the business. 5. CURIOUS Curiosity was our last recipe item for success in the top five must Do’s and was a heavily debated inclusion. Finally making the cut based on the immense value it brings to a business. FROM THE ETHOS OF CARE, WE HAVE THE CUSTOMERS INTERESTS AT HEART. KENNARDS, HOW WE HANDLE OUR CUSTOMERS IS
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Powerless Uncaring Defensive
Our Top Five “Might Do’s” Are not desirable but can happen from time to time. The nature of a geographi- cally spread business, a business that is constantly evolving and changing can have an effect on people.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Disconnected Overwhelmed
What’s important about the might Do’s is that they are temporary. It’s not healthy for someone to live permanently under a state of confusion, or feel uncomfort- able, incapable, disconnected or overwhelmed in their roles. As humans we are all different and we are not perfect. What works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another. What’s important for us as a business is to make certain that over time we address these Mights with further communication, training and better systems and processes to ensure they remain temporary!
Darren Marshall Chief Operating Officer
Curiosity is described as “the strong
5 Kennards Kourier Jan 202
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