eKourier Jan 2020



T he Sydney Basket Brigade is an initiative of the Magic Moments Foundation charity, a group of like-minded volunteers who contribute to community based projects throughout Australia. These programs include The Basket Brigades, The Grandies Gifting Program and Youth Leadership Programs. Since 1995, throughout the Christmas season, the Basket Brigades of the Magic Moments Foundation have worked with grassroot organisations to anonymously deliver food, clothing, toys and hope to those who need it most. The Sydney Basket Brigade is part of a national charity

run through the Magic Moments Foundation of Australia and is a non-profit organisation run totally by volunteers. Basket Brigades exist all around the world and they are proud to say that all of their funds raised by the Sydney Basket Brigade are returned to the community. They are also a non-religious, non-political organisation, bringing together like-minded people who want to make a difference to others’ lives. Once again in December last year Kennards Self Storage donated boxes to help pack over 3,100 hampers and

A irborne Aid are an international non-profit organisation based in Australia, connecting medical aid with destinations in need through your free luggage space. Last year they had a traveller named Roger who is a medical student undertaking an elective in Mwanza in Tanzania. He was working in outreach clinics and collected a box of supplies from Airborne Aid to take with him. Roger actually ended up taking the Kennards donated boxes all that way there. Pictured left is a Kennards box all the way across the other side of the world! KSS also supply donated space to Airborne Aid at our Croydon Park centre in South Australia to store medical aid before it is shipped. To learn more visit www.airborneaid.org.au homeless bags, serving over 6,000 people across the Sydney basin. “There is absolutley no way this sort of thing could happen without the massive support of people and companies like Kennards Self Storage. Thanks to all of your Team,” said Michael Moss from Magic Moments. To learn more visit www.magicmoments.org.au Sharon Munro EA to the CEO

20 Kennards Kourier Jan 2020

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