eKourier Jan 2020
INSURANCE – Valuable benefit, however cover needs to be accepted first before you ever need it!
customers the situation is somewhat different with the realisation of a potential loss and who is then going to pay. It is really in the storers best interests to ensure the insurance descision is not just a brief mention or considera- tion when the Storage Agreement is completed, whether in store or digitally, as the consequences of not having cover are significant. Since insurance is not generally top of mind when you receive an enquiry or reservation and may not be accepted when mentioned, this should not mean the topic is never discussed again. At the next touch point, whether it is a follow up or confirmation call regarding the move in, insurance cover should be discussed and encouraged again with the customer as they should be more open and trusting now that a customer relationship has been established. Move in day can be stressful however a mention on that day is another good time. If not, then the next day when you contact them to see how the move-in went, you can bring up insurance cover again. Often upon reflection, the thinking can change to a positive response and you will never know unless you ask. As always, record each attempt and feedback in notes, this can be valuable in the future to refer to as well. Also, customers sometimes use the objection that they already have contents insurance which is great, however unless the current insurer is informed the goods are in storage the customer may not be covered. The length of stay in storage can affect whether this cover continues after a certain period, circumstances the customer should be informed of to check. This creates an opportunity where our insurance cover can be offered with better features,asking what their excess is compared to their current policy. Again you will never know unless you ask!
W ith recent events occurring at some centres – whether it is security or weather related, it is a timely reminder to consider that one of our crucial terms in the Storage Space Hire Agreement is KSS is not responsible for loss if customers suffer some damage to their goods. ‘Our customer goods are NOT insured when in storage unless they take it out. This is due to the fact that we do not know the contents, value of goods stored and most importantly do not have care, custody and control of the unit contents. This is the same situation that is identical to that of a landlord and tenant’
ately gets the customer to consciously opt in or out of the KSS Policy cover by signing the “accept” or “decline” section on the front page. Unfortunately, sudden events such as fire, water damage, leakage and theft can occur at the best run centre anywhere. Just like you would insure your own home or contents in case of unforeseen events, it is no different when customers put their goods in storage. types of customers, the ones who are insured and the ones who are not. The storers with insurance tend to be more forgiving, calm and understanding, start the claim process and have a successful experience. However, for the uninsured In my experience, whenever there is an event, there are two distinct
Andrew Kirkham NZ Operations Manager
The Storage Agreement deliber-
11 Kennards Kourier Jan 2020
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