eKourier Jan 2019
FEATURES Online Audience Overview I t’s no secret that consumers are bombarded with messages every day and the web has just exacer- bated the situation. maximum number of centres, i.e. 50 centres in NSW.
change over previous years is that mobile technology is now the most common source of finding a storage centre.
Inquisitively, it pledges to answer two of the most vexing questions that have thwarted businesses since they started selling: 1) who buys what, when and at what price? and 2) can we link what consumers hear, read and view to what they buy? In this article, let’s have a brief look at what these customers - the online users to our website kss.com.au look like (please stay tuned for NZ insights in the next article).
The age profile of these users does not correlate much with the typical age profile of the Australian population. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2016, ours is an ageing popula- tion which means the proportion of 65+ is more than children under 15 years of age. Existing users have a much higher representation in the 25-34, 35-44 years of age category. Catchment areas with higher population in this age category are therefore likely to create higher levels of demand. The above profile emphasises the need for communication to be tailored to this age bracket.
Last year we have had about 383,464 users on our website (as on 26th Nov 2018) out of which 75.5% were new visitors. In terms of total traffic on the website the year before that, it has gone down by 3.36 %. This might be due to the aggressive $1 marketing campaign that we promoted that year in October and the rise in online competition. The peak months have been August and October in terms of new visitors, amounting to a total of approximately 77,000 new users. Most of the web traffic came from Sydney City followed by Melbourne. Probably because we have a
This is reflected in the above graph where we can easily see that clicks and conversions are more on mobile devices when compared with tablets and computer. Perhaps it’s no surprise that as people navigate their life from the palm of their hand and their voice, they have just become more curious, more impatient and are more likely to make quick decisions. Advancement in mobile technology has changed the way people search, when they want to know, go or buy something and in these moments, time and presence is of the essence. Our focus for the coming year is to harness the power of data and increase our online reach to capture these micro moments of need, attracting more customers to the business. Sonal Saharan Digital Marketing Manager
The gender distribution is almost equal, so it would be fair to say when it comes to storage women do play an important role in the decision making especially when it’s for personal use.
The next question is how do these consumers find what they need?
And we all know the answer, they just Google it. Google is the synonym for search these days. And when it comes to devices, mobile has been playing an ever increasing role. The most significant
6 Kennards Kourier Jan 2019
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