eKourier Jan 2019


ch For A Modern Website Platform

Given a simple brief to find and rent an appropriate space, six customers (three male and three females meeting certain demographic criteria) in total were appointed to participate. Aided by a facilitator, that asked questions throughout, their job was to perform an equal number of tests on our desktop and mobile sites while we sat, observed in an adjacent room. Oh boy! Our job was to note observations, categorising them by liked, didn’t like and coming together in the end to

surface themes and patterns.

confusion. • Unclear and missing information caused users to hesitate.

One of the great things about Usability Testing is that it removes the bias of designers and industry assumptions. You get real customer feedback instead. Extremely raw and eye opening. Here are some of the resounding headline themes which emerged and we will take into our next web platform and digital presence: • There was unfamiliarity with industry terms and industry practises causing

• Small hindrances impacted the ease of use and user’s enjoyment of the website. • At times there was too much informa- tion causing decision anxiety. Jeff Xanthos Chief Information Officer testing a very exciting new benefit which is hoped can be rolled out to almost all sites early this year. The key to always having the upper hand on WOW is to keep looking for a better way, where can we save time, effort, cost and energy or grow revenue? Going forward if anyone has an idea for the WOW, please email accounts@kss. com.au and we will get back to you on the next steps. No idea is a bad idea, let the creative juices flow. Look forward to your ideas. On behalf of the Finance Team thanks for all your support during the last year and we look forward to continuing the WOW in 2019. Anthony Rous Chief Financial Officer

I n the last Kourier I wrote about the War on Waste (WOW). There seems to be a bit of momentum in cutting out waste and I hear the term “WOW” used across the business. To date some of the areas we have progressed WOW are – • New electricity contracts for all sites have kicked off from 1 January 2019. In particular this will assist the larger sites.

• Energy saving lights at Waterloo and ongoing planning for other sites. Not only do we generate savings but we learn how we can do things better in the future.

• Reporting to sites on security and waste recovery.

• Time saving measures.

• Storman updates and efficiencies being rolled out. Macquarie Park is

5 Kennards Kourier Jan 2019

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