eKourier Jan 2014
FEATURES New Zealand Sites Achieving Some Record Numbers
site and continue to maximise opportuni- ties with unit conversions and Enterprise Spaces. Jayne joined us in May 2013 and her sales strength has seen Onekawa grow steadily almost every month since she started to record highest rented square metres as well. It is pleasing to see the Enterprise Space concept provides much of the growth in occupancy. When I think about all the Team Members mentioned above, the common theme across all of them is customer service and pride in their centre. All of these centres ooze positivity and it is very noticeable. Quite often I see the Teams talking to customers like friends. The personal touch and genuine approach is a great example of our company culture FREEDOM.
S ome NZ sites have achieved record results in occupancy at the end of 2013 that deserve mention and provide a platform for better income growth this year. Mt Eden has now achieved high performance status, closing above 86% occupancy in November. It has seen commendable commer- cial customer growth with larger size ground units becoming occupied since we converted the ground floor and also a better year with the Wine Storage market becoming more mature. “ When I think about all the Team Members mentioned above, the common theme across all of them is customer service and pride in their centre. ” Looking into 2014, opportunities exist to maximise income growth with the strong occupancy and covert the basement car park into more storage units.
Three Kings being the largest centre in the NZ portfolio has been operating below the line for a considerable time, until the Team of Shane Pearce and Leon Sathiasothy came together with the aim of getting the centre to high performance levels. The last six months have seen steady growth and at 78% occupancy, their target to get to high performance by the End of the Financial Year is on track. Tauranga and Onekawa deserve some mention as well. Duncan and Bev at Tauranga have had their highest rented square metres since we acquired this
I sense that all NZ sites will perform even better this year.
P.S Did you know the All Blacks became the first international side in the profes- sional era to go through a calendar year unbeaten! Andrew Kirkham NZ Operations Manager
Kennards Kourier January 2014
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