Kennards Storage October eKourier Edition



September saw the roll out of the Skillbuilder 2020 training program. Skillbuilder is a one day program designed for all team members in the business to attend. In the past we have used the day to brief Teams Members and THQ on new initiatives or major changes to Best Practice.

T he main topics this year included a walk through of the new Kennards web site, an overhaul of our Agreements and the launch of free insurance. These changes were met with excitement and positivity from Teams. The new Kennards web site and Modern Agreement were particularly well received. These initiatives underpin Kennards commitment to continual improvement and innovation. Due to restrictions on interstate travel, coupled with limitations on gatherings, delivering Skillbuilder presented some unique challenges. These Covid-19 restrictions provided KSS with a great opportunity to improve how we deliver our Virtual Training. While platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams are excellent for meetings, our aim was to create more of a virtual classroom environment. Ultimately, we wanted attendees to feel engagement and

be able to contribute as if they were in a face-to-face session.

classroom allowed Team Members to access training from the comfort and convenience of their homes. Others were able to collaborate and tap into the experience of Team Members from other states. Running concurrent sessions across multiple locations also allowed the business to roll out the information in a shorter time frame. Thankfully at time of writing interstate travel restrictions are beginning to ease. However, with no clear end in sight we will continue to evolve our virtual training capabilities. For me personally, virtual training has been a chance to revisit some skills not used in a while. It has also been a chance to develop some new ones…

Due to restrictions on interstate travel, coupled with limita- tions on gatherings, delivering Skillbuilder presented some unique challenges.

Through the support of I.T. and Operations we were able to successfully deliver a well-received Skillbuilder. The virtual

Wayne Brown Training and Development Manager

19 Kennards Kourier Oct 2020

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