KSS eKourier April 2022
They say a major flooding event occurs every 10 years in Queensland. The last severe flood in QLD was in 2011, mother nature was only slightly late to the party this year with relentless heavy rainfall and major flooding across QLD and into NSW at the end of February 2022.
FUN FACTS • 14 x 6 metre skips used on day one at Fortitude Valley. • On day three the tip was at capacity only allowing one skip per operator. • Did you know the lift pits can hold in excess of 400 litres of water. • Gumboots have a combined weight of approximately 5kgs. • Squeegees are great for moving large amounts of water across flat surfaces. • Sludge + mud + water = very slippery.
Above left to right: Darryl Hodgson, Ray Adams, Kevin Mouatt, Kylie Page, Antone Boustani, Nicky Goodwin, David Bauze, Chris Sanson, Juan Moran and Tony Vuong outside Milton.
M ilton and Fortitude Valley sites both simultaneously went under water on Sunday, 27th February 2022. MILTON Our learnings from the 2011 floods resulted in the Wine Storage area relocating from the ground floor to level one. The impact of the recent floods resulted in damage limited to only 16 ground floor units. Unfortu - nately, our Office and Merch Room sustained major water damage. FORTITUDE VALLEY We were less fortunate here with 70 units on the ground floor affected with water and mud ingressed into the spaces. The office also sustained damage with anything on the floor up to 20cms submerged under water. Our Merch Room was flooded along with the Conference Room, Toilets and Lift Well.
disasters across the business and every single time I am always amazed to see and feel the energy and care our Teams show to support each other and our customers, it truly is amazing. Following on from previous experi- ences the Emergency Recovery Plan (ERP) worked as intended. Our Teams all knew the roles they were respon- sible for on the day. A quick debrief in the morning set the Team up for the day and a debrief in the afternoon ensured we covered our tasks and set us up for the following day. For both locations the turnaround around from a disaster zone to a feeling of normality took only three days. This was a tremendous effort from all involved, our Team on the front line, Team Members behind the scenes supporting sites to free up their Teammates to assist, and the THQ Team. The spirit of “ Store with People who Care ” was evident across all the interactions with our customers
Above top: Darryl Hodgson outside Fortitude Valley ready to cool off! Bottom: The Retail Office at Fortituide Valley.
and Teammates. There were a range of emotions experienced by our customers and the KSS Team gave full support making the clean up process stress free and smooth. Small gestures like offering Con't Page 10
In light of the devastation, I have personally worked through a few
8 Kennards Kourier April 2022
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