KSS January eKourier 2023



Pictured and below: Kennards Self Storage Nowra

W e have recently acquired two new properties on the south coast of NSW - Kiama and Nowra.

sea-changers. Near enough to Sydney, it is a coastal hamlet with strong lifestyle appeal. It boasts a couple of amazing beaches; a quaint boat harbour and famous blow-hole. Our new property at Kiama, located at 148 Shoalhaven Road, will be developed into a 450 space centre to serve this thriving town.

Meanwhile in Nowra, just 40 minutes south of Kiama, we have acquired Eveready Mini Storage at 177 Princes Hwy, South Nowra. This is an 11,000 square metre property in a great gateway position and very close to the new Bunnings. This first genera- tion storage centre has been operating with 312 storage units with very simple operating practices. We intend to significantly refurbish, redevelop and expand the property, to bring it up to todays standard and to better serve the Nowra market. With both properties our network will soon comprehensively extend throughout the Illawarra and Southern Highlands. These two markets will soon boast eight centres - Wollongong, Warrawong, Mittagong, Moss Vale 1, Moss Vale 2 (under construction), Goulburn (under construction), Kiama and South Nowra.

Kiama is a popular destination for day-trippers, weekend getaways and

With both properties our network will soon

The market is attractive for us due to the low levels of competition, high barriers to entry and strong local economy. Concept designs are advancing for our Development Application being submitted in early 2023. comprehensively extend throughout the Illawarra and Southern Highlands. These two markets will soon boast eight centres

Sam Kennard Chief Executive Officer

8 Kennards Kourier Jan 2023

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