eKourier Oct 2019
T he page is up, numbers are growing and donations are coming in. On the 1st of November Kennards FREEDOM Fighters will be at it again making magic happen for our homeless youth and youth at risk. Our Team will be joining hundreds of others in the 2019 Stepping Stone House Sleep Under the Stars Event. During this year’s Achievement Dinner we heard firsthand the life journey of one of Stepping Stone Houses young live in residents. Matt bravely told us his struggles of life before landing in the care of Stepping Stone House. From his time on the streets to foster care then finally into what he describes as the “family” that is Stepping Stone House.
For Matt this opportunity has been a life changing experience. Every dollar we raise is making a differ- ence, to Matt, his Stepping Stone House family and the awareness that is being raised in the community. I encourage everyone to give the night a go and experience a taste of what our homeless youth face daily. To find out how to join our Team please contact me at fiona@kss.com.au. Go on, step our of your comfort zone and help us put an end to homeless youth. We can’t do it alone.
Fiona Harding Business Development Manager
21 Kennards Kourier Oct 2019
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