eKourier Oct 2018
Newcastle Huddle
Above left to right: Ben Brown, Darren Dias, William Arbuckle-Hill, Anthony Sharpe, Victoria Wolfgramm, Jason Ferguson, Fabian Salamon, James Suh, John Ryan, Emily Fiala, Antone Boustani, Bernie Garcia, Tony Vuong, Fawaz Sari, Nigel Boundy, Monti Sehrawat and Ali Nazakit. NSW TSM Team also featured right.
O n the 3rd of July the NSW TSM Team came together for a Huddle at our Chullora centre. With the addition of six new Team Support Managers to the NSW Team it was a great opportunity for all the TSM’s to get together and welcome in the new recruits. The day was loaded with several thought provoking scenarios shared by the senior TSM’s to assist the “Rookies” in their day to day operations at a centre. We also discussed in depth what the future of the Team Support Managers would look like. This was triggered by a comment from a Manager that has been with Kennards for 18 years, “TV you know, everytime a TSM covers here I learn a new tip, you think I would know them all by now” . So we based our discussions on how Team Support Managers can add value when they are covering at centres.
G reat to catch up with the Newcastle Team for a Huddle and a few slices of pizza (pictured below). Thanks Mark and Brooke for hosting at the Newcastle Centre. With a few new faces to the Newcastle Region the Huddle was perfect timing for everyone to come together. We had a great night sharing some really funny stories and even a magic show too.
Operational Leaders i.e. assist/coach Team Members on any area of opportu- nity they may identify. • Share at least one tip with the centre before the end of their shift. • The TSM Coordinator to have quarterly catch ups with TSM’s in combined regions. Purpose to identify any opportu- nities in training, Team development etc and act on. • The NSW TSM’s will come together for a yearly huddle. We would also like to thank Antone Boustani for his time and contributions as the NSW TSM Coordinator, as he enjoys his role as Centre Manager at Waterloo. We welcome Fawaz Sari to the role of NSW TSM Coordinator. Tony Vuong NSW Operations Manager Newcastle Huddle pictured right: Left to right: Mark Shepherd (Newcastle), Shri Adigopula (Sandgate), Lenci Taylor (Belmont), Greg Cullen (TSM, Newcastle), Dianna Moore (Cardiff), Nathan McBride (Cardiff).
Looking forward to the next one.
Tony Vuong NSW Operations Manager
Listed below are a few points for the vision we had as a TSM group:
• Team Support Managers to become
6 Kennards Kourier Oct 2018
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