eKourier Oct 2018
Imagine All The People
understanding what customers are likely going through is a transitional period (hence self-storage), and by helping them with their storage decisions, it will be making their life less confronting and complicated. By providing them with the correct storage solution, we have just potentially eliminated stress, as well as leaving a good lasting impression (or reality perception). If people adopt the reality that your product is quality, they will never question its value. In a world of ‘you get what you pay for’ (e.g. a consumer is happy to pay higher prices for a Gucci handbag, because the label is revered), coupled with social learnings and practices (e.g. one does not haggle for the price of milk at IGA just because it is cheaper at Coles, because this is a simple question of accepted market value), quality is the most valuable commodity. Never underestimate the value of the ‘little things’. There are no little things. Everything we do at Kennards Flemington and every other centre, makes up a part of the entire Kennards customer experience and as a whole, this is what the consumer base will view as their reality. I use the term ‘consumer base’, as the positive reality we want perceived, or the possible one that could be, is not at all limited to just our customers. It extends to past and prospective customers, possible referees, passers-by, gossip mongers, businesses, colleagues, opposition, church groups, Soccer Mums, Tradesmen…and genera- tions to come. It may sound like exaggeration, but every person that so much as notices a Kennards banner in the window, a jingle on the radio, graffiti on a building, clean shop fronts, or a smiling Team Member, can have just as detrimental or positive impact on business reputation. So the reality is…up to us, as the face, the representatives of Kennards, to define. What do you see? “Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality.” Nikos Kazantzakis Katherine Russell Assistant Manager Flemington
J ohn Lennon once said that “Reality leaves a lot to the you see how it applies, illustrating his point exactly. Reality is a very fluid concept. Each person has their own independent view of the world, opinions of other people, and the respect they deserve. Each person has their own expectations of the manner in which they believe they should be treated and service they are entitled to. Each person has their own set of moral, ethical and personal values. Therefore, to each person, their own perception, is indeed their own reality. Given then, that ‘perception is reality’, how do we apply that to business practice within Kennards Self Storage? The key is, we must have confidence that the product/service we are selling is worthy and stand by both our value and our FREEDOM values. To offer it confidently, we must first believe in its quality ourselves, which is where the conviction will draw strength and depth. If you are passionate about something you are offering, whether it be gold bullion, storage or cardboard boxes, quite often that feeling can become contagious and resonate with a customer, who wants assurance that they have made the right decisions. To believe it, we must enforce it, by ensuring that our standard of products and service surpasses that of others. imagination” , and the more angles you think of this from, the more
We must deliver what we promise, and spend time on the finer details, as well as the larger picture. To enforce it, we must be diligent in keeping ourselves and all of our Kennards Centres clean, tidy, well maintained, stocked and secure, as well as being knowledgeable in the services we extend and flexible in our approach. To offer it confidently, we must first believe in its quality ourselves, In a nutshell…we must give exactly what we say we will or more, to at least meet, or exceed expectations. Another important aspect of any business, is getting to know the inner workings of a potential customers needs. ‘At Kennards “We Care” , which is a practice we have embraced at Kennards Flemington, so ask questions and really listen to the answers. We all know customers that could talk the leg off a chair, or those that are just ‘difficult’, or perhaps even those very emotional ones. By empathising and ‘ which is where the conviction will draw strength and depth.
Kennards Kourier Oct 2018
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