eKourier Oct 2014
FEATURES The Newest Initiative at KSS!
The bike creates another point of differ- ence at Kennards, a first in the storage industry. The bike is free to use for all our storage customers. Moore Park is surrounded by dense apartment living and the Cargo Bike is ideal for storers looking to move small items to and from the centre. The Moore Park Team have been riding the bike around the local area and have received quite a few toots from drivers passing by. The unique looking design of the bike has been a fantastic way to strengthen the Kennards Brand in the area. We look forward to sharing our storers experiences with everyone as time progresses. use a commonly used business name to camouflage their link in an email that looks normal and would easily be clicked on. Regardless of how good our virus protection software is, IT advised me that once you click these links, all bets are off and havoc reins supreme. Thanks to Brett and Jeff for recovery of my computer, not without considerable resources used. I cannot stress enough to be careful what you click! If you are infected with Cryptolocker, the first thing you should do is disconnect the infected computer from the internet and contact the IT Team. If you are not sure, it is always best to refer the email to IT, as even the best virus protection we use is not invincible! Andrew Kirkham NZ Operations Manager Tony Vuong NSW Operations Manager
R ecently, an innocent click on an email introduced me to CryptoLocker a Ransomware Trojan! This nasty piece of work encrypted all of my files on my computer, but for a nice ransom of $600 AUD, I would be supplied with the key to unlock my files. If I waited 48 hours, the price W ith Australians embracing cycling in droves in recent years, Kennards Self Storage has joined the ride and we are now offering a Cargo Bike for customers to move goods in and out of storage.
The bike is a Christianiabike, from Denmark, where this sort of transport is an everyday occurrence. Kennards Self Storage has put its first Cargo Bike in the Sydney centre Moore Park, for its first trial.
Be Careful What You Click! would double to $1,200 AUD. Not my proudest moment…
The big lesson is to be careful with anything that asks you to click here or go to this link from an unknown or non verifiable source.
The CryptoLocker guys are smart, they
Kennards Kourier October 2014
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