eKourier Oct 2010

Kourier Kennards

October 2010

Team Enjoy Return of the Achievement Dinner

recognised individuals who make a difference to the company, our colleagues; the customers or their centres. Nominations came from team members, which make it even more special. Adding Value Awards Angela Lu – For Adding Value to her colleagues with her prompt, efficient yet always patient, calm and supportive manner in assisting the team and solving problems. Jeff Xanthos - For Adding Value with his commitment to innovating and improving our operating systems and software to make everyone’s jobs easier and improve the customer experience. development in her role as a Hub Trainer and developing an innovative new training guideline now used across all KSS Hubs. Marinus Blom - For Adding Value with his great support of new managers and successful performance at Kingsgrove which has enjoyed strong growth and strong occupancy. This years Awards went to: Maria Katselas - For Adding Value with her contribution to training and

In this issue Team Enjoy Return of Achievement Dinner Team Member Profiles Property & Development KSS Acquires Moore Park... KSS Acquires New Development Site in Warrawong Spotlight on... Kennards Training Hubs Wine Training Team Member Feedback 5 Questions... Customer feedback New KSS Web Site to Launch Soon Lower Costs Leads to Improved Company Performance & Better Profit Share KSS Receives Recognition for Sustaining Constructive Culture Kennards Wine Tasting Nights Nev’s Notes Congratulations Customer Feedback Next issue Deadline: 1st December, 2010 Please send contributions to the editor Editor: Sharon Dux Email: sharon@kss.com.au Ph: 02 9764 9801 Distribution: 28 January, 2011 Upcoming events 22/10 - Hawkes Bay Anniversary (Napier, Onekawa, Hastings) NZ 25/10 - Labour Day (NZ) NZ KSS Closed 30-31/10 - Skillbuilder - (NZ) 2/11 - Melbourne Cup (VIC) - PH Hours 11/11 - Newcastle Xmas Party 3/12 - Sydney & ACT Xmas Party 25/12 - Xmas Day - KSS Closed 26/12 - Boxing Day - KSS Closed 28/12 - Proclamation Day (SA) 1/1 - New Years Day - KSS Closed 3/1 - New Years Day Public Holiday (NSW, VIC, QLD, SA, NZ) - PH Hours 4/1 - New Years day Public Holiday (NZ) 24/1 - Wellington Anniversary Day - (Palmerston North, Wanganui) NZ 26/1 - Australia Day - (NSW, VIC, QLD, ACT, SA) - PH Hours 18/11 - QLD Xmas Party 25/11 - SA Xmas Party 26/11 - VIC Xmas Party

T he Achievement Dinner return to the Company Events Calendar this year was obviously appreciated greatly. The strong attendance an obvious sign, but the positive feeling in the room made this even more apparent. For me, it is a delight to present and recognise some of the team at the event. It was also pleasing to share these duties with Lynda and Darren, as well as Warren’s contribution as MC. Adding Value Awards This year the Adding Value Awards were presented by Lynda. The award Nev Kennard congratulates Sam Kennard on 20 Years of Service.

Lenci Taylor (Rookie) - For Adding Value with her immediate embracing of the Kennards ways to provide outstanding service and exceed customer expectations, and her willingness to learn and accept new challenges. This has seen her rapid promotion to Manager at Belmont. Con’t page 6...

Sam Kennard presents the Adding Value Awards (L to R): - Lenci Taylor (Rookie) - Belmont, Marinus Blom - Kingsgrove, Maria Katselas - Camperdown, Jeff Xanthos - THQ and Angela Lu - THQ.


Kennards Kourier October 2010

Team Member Profiles

Sathish Gopinath Financial Accountant THQ Career background:

Mary Nessek Assistant Office Administrator THQ

Career background: Printing and Retail Marital status: Married Any children? I have 3 sons and 1

Started off as a Cost and Management Accountant, then moved to Corporate

Accounting and Reporting. Marital status: Married

daughter. Paul - Loves his motorbikes and also loves falling off them! James - Is a charmer, works for the Council and enjoys vintage cars. Adrian - Mechanic and enjoys his four wheel drive. Daniela - Still at school, plays Hockey and Water Polo. (And a husband, who is still very young at heart!) Hobbies/interests: Spending time with my family. Fishing, gardening or just going for long drives. Having a drink or 2 with the neighbour. Do you play any sport or have any special talents? Love my soccer - Manchester United. Special talent would be catching more fish than my husband! Good cook and love to entertain. Favourite book: Magazines - quicker to read. Favourite movie: Weekend at Bernies. Woman in Red. Favourite restaurant/food: I enjoy all foods. Where did you grow up? Croatia, lots of good memories as a kid. Came to Australia in 1969 to Wollongong, then moved to Newtown and then to Cabarita. Any pets? Lots of birds and a very naughty dog called Jessy. Favourite holiday destination: Lake Conjola on the South Coast, I could live there. Visiting my family in Croatia.

Any children? Yes, 1 son who is 20 months old - Arvind Krishna. This bundle of joy keeps us very busy! Hobbies/interests: Following sports,

mainly cricket (not surprising!) and tennis. Keen follower of NRL since arriving in Australia. Reading is another intertest and meditation. Do you play any sport or have any special talents? I used to pay cricket back in High School. Favourite book: Shall we tell the President - Jeffrey Archer. The Second Lady - Irvine Wallace. Favourite movie: The Bourne Identity. The Day of the Jackel. Favourite restaurant/food: Vegetarian Thai food (Five Dock) and Indian of course. Where did you grow up? I grew up in a southern part of India called Madras, very hot place. Life always used to be at a hectic pace. I grew up in an environment that was more focused on academics. Any pets? No Favourite holiday: Would like to go to St Petersburg - Russian Federation. Had the opportunity to work there for 6 months during Summer. Beautiful city in summertime... Department of Defence. Part of this purchase required Kennards to build the infrastructure such as roads, drainage and other services. That infrastructure work is now complete enabling us to start construction of the storage centre. Progress to date includes the concrete driveways and the framing and roofing for the stage 1 buildings. The total development will include 5 two storey buildings. Stage 1 will include the two buildings fronting Castlereagh Rd and will have 400 units with plenty of open spaces – some with shade sail cover. With the new team chosen – Nick Bachtis and Lee Porcelli – we are gearing up to open January 2011.

Update on Property & Development C onstruction on the KSS Penrith self storage buildings is now well underway. The project itself started back in 2001 when we purchased surplus land from

Above - Lynda Walsh, Darren Marshall, Sam Kennard and H.K. Tung on site at Penrith.

Michael Macheledt

Kennards Kourier October 2010

Right - Aerial view


KSS Acquires Moore Park Centre from Mariner Property Trust

I am pleased to announce that KSS has successfully acquired the Moore Park storage centre we manage. Moore Park was owned by a syndicate of 400 small retail investors in a Managed Fund – not a property we owned. The fund was managed by Mariner Corporation. Our role has simply been the Asset Manager handling the day-to-day operations. The fund had reached its mandated expiry horizon in 2010. Investors were promised their capital be returned and the bank loan facility needed to be repaid. This lead to the marketing of it for sale. Earlier in 2010, the property was advertised for sale in a public campaign. After a long drawn-out negotiation KSS and Mariner finally agreed terms and exchanged contracts on September 21st. Moore Park is without doubt an iconic flagship location. It enjoys exposure to over 100,000 cars per day. Part of its primary catchment is the affluent Eastern Suburbs of Sydney. K ennards Self Storage has recently acquired a 2.2 Ha property at 241 Shellharbour Rd Warrawong, (NSW), just south of the Wollongong CBD. The Warrawong property will be developed into another typical Kennards Self Storage centre. Kennards Self Storage has already obtained planning approval for its other Wollongong property in North Wollongong in 2008, but this project was shelved in the wake of the G.F.C. uncertainty. The 2 locations when developed will provide Kennards Self Storage with commanding presence in the

Upon acquisition, KSS will undertake a $500,000 upgrade of the asset. An unfortunate reflection of the syndicate ownership is that it has not provided adequate investment and upkeep due to their priority for cash returns. We will provide some significant catch-up in this area. Quick Facts of KSS Moore Park No of spaces : 1287 Occupancy (August 31st) : 80% Revenue 2009-10 : $3,546,749

Team : Marinus Blom - Centre Manager, Arthur Figueiredo –

Customer Feedback “I had outstanding customer service. I don’t think Kennards Wetherill Park could do any better!” “Everything was above excellent at Campbelltown1 and the service by Marie and Mark was exceptional. Thank you for having me!” “Thank you Kennards Camperdown, our experience was all positive. Good clean facilities and friendly and efficient staff in the front office, and good online contact keeping your customers up-to-date. Congratulations.” “Being open 24 hours was great. I was impressed with how quickly my refund was sent out. I received it the following day. Thanks West End.” Assistant Manager, Helen Tancred – Assistant Manager and Robyn Jaques – Assistant Manager. We look forward to seeing Moore Park grow and improve with more attention, care and investment. Our ownership will ensure it truly represents the flagship standing it deserves in our portfolio. Sam Kennard

KSS Acquires New Development Site in Warrawong Wollongong market.

The Warrawong property was acquired after an auction held by Receivers, Korda Mentha, where it did not sell. The purchase price was $2.2 million representing a rate of $100/m² of land. Kennards Self Storage will proceed immediately to lodge an application with Wollongong City Council for development of the property. The strong representation of bulky goods retailers like Harvey Norman, Snooze and BBQ’s Galore suggests local consumers already have strong alignment to our potential customers. More details and progress reports will be provided as the project proceeds.


Kennards Kourier October 2010

History Waterloo was converted to Self Storage in 1988 from a complex of various small manufacturers such as Akubra Hats. There were 3 buildings, two 4 levels & one 3 levels (including a basement). It was the original glass factory in the 30’s under the name of Crown Corning which was located here due to the local sand. Spotlight on Waterloo... Site Features The facility is located between the Sydney CBD & the airport on busy Bourke Street. In the past 5 years Kennards have developed the site initially by incorporating the Alexandria Wine facility into the refurbished basement. We have just added 87 wine cellars to bring it to a total of 360 cellars.

plans in the future to go up another 2 floors. We are the only storage facility in the area with 24 hour access. We have had a new office built which gives us great retail exposure to the very busy local roads. The carton sales have increased from $21,000/month to our record of over $30,000 in July. That’s more than 20 pallets of cartons to take to customers cars…phew !!! Our main challenges are to promote & create awareness of the Wine Cellar Basement & to get back the square metres lost during the recent G.F.C. There are 2384 units covering 20,800 sq mtrs with an occupancy of 71% & a monthly income over $500,000. The Team The team - Lisa Hopkinson, Rob Aubrey, Laurie Jones, Brendan Perry & Phil Howe. Phil Howe

Just over two years ago another 2 storey building was added giving Waterloo an additional 450 units all with 24 hour access plus some much needed drive up units. Its occupancy is now 70% & there are

Wine Cellaring Specialist Training “Whilst 5-6 years in the wine

“Having not had much experience with wine storage itself, I came into this training with fewer preconceptions. This training was preparation for something that’s imminent on the horizon for Chatswood, and I personally felt a lack in my understanding about wine generally. So I guess you could also say I felt clueless, and given the amount of knowledge and enthusiasm I came out with, that’s fairly accurate.

industry in various environments built a sound knowledge of wine and wine regions, I was left

with little insight into the critical conditions (temperature, humidity, light and movement) of cellaring wine and why they are important. Our course was designed from the outset to develop in us a strong awareness of the impact of these influences, and why they need to be controlled when cellaring wine. Some exposure to the workings of a winery, the wine itself and a dose of wine knowledge (and let’s not forget the competitive grape stomping) really heightened our enjoyment of our training. The result ant benefit for our relationship with our storers is that whilst they will already have some knowledge of how wine needs to be stored, they may still be looking for a convincing reason to store with us. We are now all better equipped to offer such reasons. The pooled results of the CPAs gave us further weaponry in this respect. The set-up of the training ensured that the whole experience was interesting, informative, relevant and, not least of all, fun. We all got a lot out of it and will benefit from it into the future.” Gordon at Huntingdale

First things first, I came out with a much better knowledge of the Australian wine making industry; I learned what wine regions are where, and the wine is produced there. This will enable me to build a better rapport with my customer through their collection. Secondly, I learned about the wine making process, and the bio-dynamics of wine itself. This will enable me to relate the product I offer in a better way, as to the importance of cellaring conditions and the treatment of wine generally. Thirdly, I got excited about the prospect of having wine storage as part of the portfolio here at Chatswood. This got me to thinking about all the marketing opportunities that we can initiate to help fill-up our cellar.” Jim at Chatswood


Kennards Kourier October 2010

5 Questions... With Lynda Walsh

a new home, but I couldn’t give her up. So instead I bought her a little friend from the RSPCA called Alvin. Strangely enough the cats and rabbits all get along really well.

What are you currently working on? As well as my normal daily duties of looking after 14 centres I have been given the exciting opportunity to open our new centre at Penrith. Another interesting element of my role is project management; we get to work on many different areas of the business. It’s refreshing to be encouraged to share ideas and identify new income opportunities. I’m currently working on our billboard company “OrangeAds”, an energy efficiency program and our wine cellaring. The past 3 years I have introduced a lot of fitness into my life. It’s become an important part of my daily routine. I have a personal trainer twice a week and we do boxing, weights and cardio. I’ve also recently started Brazilian Samba and Bollywood dance classes twice a week. I enjoy concerts and stage shows. A great place to see live music is at the Basement. I’ve seen David Campbell, Tina Arena, Marcia Hines, Jersey Boys, Kate Ceberano, Carl Risely and many more... I love all animals! I have two cats and two rabbits. I recently rescued and rehabilitated my first rabbit, Thumper. She was emaciated, only had three legs, a torn nose and her coat was covered with dreadlocks. She is now de-sexed, double her weight and her coat was shaved to remove the dreadlocks. I planned on finding her Tell us about your love for animals. Hobbies and Pastimes?

Tell us about your history with Kennards Self Storage.

I started with KSS in Feb 2005 in South Australia. My first role was as the Assistant Manager at Panorama before I moved into the Manager’s position at Thebarton. I’d been at Thebarton for a year and I had my sights set on becoming an Operations Manager. I knew to get this position I would have to move to Sydney. It felt like a big dream at the time and it was a scary move, but it turned out to be the best decision of my life! I moved to Sydney in September 2006 to manage Homebush. I set my goal to become an Operations Manager within 5 years. I was fortunate that the position become available within 4 months. Getting the role wasn’t easy, but after 6 weeks, three interviews and psychometric testing I had my dream role! What was your work history before Kennards? During high school I worked at McDonalds and Toys R Us. After school I worked at Australia Post for 5 years. I started in the bulk mail section and Post Shops. Eventually I spent three years in an area that took over corporate or government mailing houses, like SGIC and Adelaide Uni. By staffing the mail houses with Australia Post teams we were able to significantly cut costs and increase the service standards. Whilst working at Australia Post I also worked nights and weekends at the Glenelg Golf course in the bar, bistro and restaurant. I was enjoying hospitality and decided to move into a full time role at the Clare Country Club as the Assistant Food and Beverage Manager. I moved back to my home town, Clare Valley for this role. Whist I enjoyed the role I didn’t enjoy living in the country whilst I was so young and my friends and family were all back in the city, so I applied for a role with Kennards and the rest is history.


Since the introduction of the Training Hubs, the hubs have been reviewing & fine tuning the process. Recently the training manual was completely revamped, making it more user friendly & has been used successfully with recent new employees. During August there was a Training Hub Huddle where Sandra Anderson (Fortitude Valley) emphasised the use of DISC in the training process. It is a valuable training tool helping the trainers to understand the different learning, listening & recording habits of the trainees. Also how decisions & performance are affected by the questioning & logic focused D & C verses the more accepting & people focused I & S styles. On that day we had guest speaker Goran Begovski, who gave an inspired presentation on accelerating human performance in business. The highlight was a practical demonstration of the impact that motivated staff has on customers. The day ended with Jeff Xanthos giving us an overview of the new web site and the upgrade of Storman. Phil Howe & Maria Katselas


Kennards Kourier October 2010

Team Enjoy Return of the Achievement Dinner

an instrumental influence on the sort of business KSS has become. H.K. joined the company in 1985 after making the bold step to immigrate to Australia. He was originally hired to assist Nev in running Kennards Hire, when storage was very much in its infancy.

Five Year Service Award This year we had a record 24 – 5 Year Service Awards presented. This is 12% of our total team. Their contribution to KSS has been significant .

As Nev evolved the business and moved to new ideas, H.K. enthusiastically came along.

Above - Sam Kennard congratulates Phil Howe on 15 Years Service

10 Year Service Award 4 people marked the significant milestone of 10 years. The concrete hand ceremony was fulfilled which will see their paver laid in the grass at THQ. Gary Longmire Auburn Rob Grieve Panorama Steve Jansen Castle Hill Lucy Cheng THQ

Phone Sales Excellence

Phone Sales Excellence Strong sales skills are an important success factor for the growth of each centre. The teams efforts and willingness to embrace training mean KSS has some of the highest performing sales people in the industry. Our Mystery Shopping programme enables us to provide valuable feedback and recognise the repeat high performance. Con’t page 8...

Lee Porcelli celebrates 20 years

20 Year Service Award Sam Kennard


Lee Porcelli joined Millers in 1990 when it was owned by founder - Jim Miller. He has worked in many locations in Sydney, seen the business sold twice. Firstly to Security Capital

in 1998 and then when Kennards bought Millers in 2004. 20 years is an outstanding milestone and Lee is considered a valuable and likeable colleague. 25 Year Service Award

15 Year Service Award Phil Howe celebrated 15 years this year. He has been an important team member, and pursued new challenges and proven to have a strong appetite to learn. He is a solid team member and enjoys enormous respect from the team and me. 10 Years Service - Luci Cheng - THQ, Steve Jansen - Castle Hill, Rob Grieve - Panorama

H.K. Tung now marks his 25th

year with the company. He has seen many changes in the business and has been

Nev Kennard Congratulates H.K. Tung on 25 Years of Service


Kennards Kourier October 2010

The New KSS Web Site Launches Soon

I last wrote to everyone in the January 2010 Kourier. Since that time we have teamed up with a company called Vision Tech Digital who won the tender to build our new web site. They have been working away presenting designs and writing code. Key aims for the web site were for it to be easy to use, easy to find on search engines such as Google and to be able to read and write to StorMan.

An overview will be provided when you attend Skillbuilder.

The new site will launch once Storman v8.2 has become operational and we’ve completed all of our testing. Darryl Hodgson

Lower Costs leads to Improved Company Performance and Better Profit Share

K ennards Self Storage is embarking on a The initiative was the result of rising electricity costs, which, as we all know, will continue to rise as the world faces growing demand for energy resources. As a business it’s critical that we remain vigilant of rising costs, so that we can pursue and implement strategies that will slow or remove these costs and maintain a profitable and sustainable business. The program involves an audit of all lighting and energy consuming equipment at each property, in conjunction with the properties energy bills to determine a consumption model. National Program to review and assess the energy consumption in each of our self storage properties.

This model is then changed to introduce energy saving globes, and a number of energy saving actions such as timers. These changes provide significant savings on electricity across each site and in turn across the company. Parramatta was the first property to be assessed showing savings of around $5,500 per annum. Currently the government is contributing money (in NSW) to encourage any business looking to reduce their energy consumption, making the initiative very cost effective. If you consider the savings at Parramatta across the entire company, it amounts to significant savings. We should all be looking at our costs to find similar opportunities to save money, increase profitability and in turn our profit share, a nice way to be able to share in these initiatives. Darren Marshall


Kennards Kourier October 2010

Recognising Gold Standard in Scoty The Scoty system is a feedback mechanism that captures some of the important quality attributes in the centres. Many of these attributes are outward facing - that is, they impact customers. Our customers see them day-to-day. While some of the quality attributes are internal and more subtle. They represent operating standards that assist us to be a better business and assist our colleagues. The Scoty system captures information concerning property appearance and presentation; KPI’s/ performance; phone sales; administration and system reviews. This years Golds were presented for performance over 87%.

Gold Achievers in 2010 are:

Erina, Mona Vale, Fyshwick, Artarmon2, Panorama, Chatswood, Browns Plains, Kirrawee and Preston.

Scoty Gold Achievers


Kennards Kourier October 2010

“I just wanted to say that it was my first Achievement Dinner and it was great. I loved to meet all the great people that we talk to on the phone etc at THQ. I was very proud that my work colleague Mark Montgommery received an award as he truly deserves it. He is a mentor and friend, and has trained me well over the last 12 months, as have all the Vic team. Thanks Kennards for making my job the best I’ve ever had and hope we have another dinner next year.” Trudy Iacobucci, Port Melbourne

“Just a couple of thoughts we had about the Achievement Dinner. When the Gold Scoty Awards were announced,

after Andy and I had picked ourselves up off the floor from surprise, we collected ourselves and realised and appreciated the faith that Kennards had put in us and that it was a great honour. We’d also like to thank Sam and everyone at THQ for organising the night, especially considering it is becoming rarer and rarer for companies to put in the time and effort to show appreciation to everyone in the company.” Darryl Lewisson - Fyshwick


Kennards Kourier October 2010

KSS Receives Recognition for Sustaining Constructive Culture

A fter another strong Blue Constructive culture in our 2010 O.C.I., Human Synergistics have again decided to publicly congratulate KSS. Human Synergistics own the O.C.I. technology, which provides us with this powerful feedback. Their understanding of culture is unique and their passionate pursuit to see companies develop is obvious. There are few companies which undertake such analysis of its

workplace culture, and even fewer sustain the effort year after year. KSS endevours to make our work environment as engaging and enjoyable as possile. Human Synergistics recognised that our Blue Constructive Style has been sustained, along with some other organisations. As a result they presented us with the Culture Sustainability Award. This was accepted by Sam at their Sydney conference attended by 1500 people.

Shaun McCarthy, CEO, Human Synergistics, presents Sam with the Culture Sustainability Award. Waterloo Wine Tasting

Artarmon Wine Tasting

You can also follow Kennards Wine Storage on and


Kennards Kourier October 2010

Nev’s Notes... T he distinction between Poverty, i.e. being poor or having little money, and Frugality, i.e. being economical, may not be clear to some. Having come through an era over the last 10 – 15 years where ever- increasing affluence seemed natural and normal, some people lost, or never learned, the habit of being frugal, and now find that they are experiencing poverty or a degree of lesser affluence at least. Profligate spenders may not notice the link between their spending habits and their occasional lack of money; their periodic poverty. They have not learned to be frugal. People who are poor have little choice but to be frugal, or at least to cut down their spending; they don’t have much to spend, so must spend less. But they may not be truly frugal, just poor. People who are frugal are very often not poor. They have learned to be careful, to save, and to be economical. I have friends who are frugal, and who are also wealthy. Their frugality has contributed to their wealth. Their frugality is a habit. They hate waste. Their spending and life-style often belies their wealth. People who live in poverty may have issues with unemployment, with health, with circumstances, but many are just poor managers of their money and have never learned to be frugal, careful, economical, and to save. Instant Gratification is the craving or compulsion to have it now. People get into financial difficulties when they give in to their craving for instant gratification. Deferred gratification is the practice of doing, or not doing, something today with the expectation of doing or having more tomorrow. Saving shows a preference for going without something today so that you can have more tomorrow. Children have a difficult job with deferred gratification; they have not yet matured; as they grow up they start to get it, and have money-boxes, Frugality Versus Poverty

bank accounts and maybe get a small job, so that they can have something more worthwhile in the future. They learn to save, and to work. Being able to defer gratification is a sign of maturity. Some adults have a problem with deferred gratification and thus reveal their immaturity. Economists call this “time preference”: a shorter time-preference indicates a preference for consuming today rather than having more tomorrow (longer time-preference). Being frugal means being economical and includes buying well, using carefully, spending judiciously, avoiding waste. There are some expensive habits that contribute to poverty: smoking is an expensive habit, as is drinking. Socialising and ‘going out to dinner’ can be expensive if you do it a lot. It is easy to be frugal when you are poor: you have no choice. Being frugal when you are affluent is harder: you have a choice to spend or not to spend. The affluent but frugal person will spend carefully, get good value, be careful not to waste. The frugal person will be able to buy in bulk, buy specials, buy for the future; the poor person may have to buy small and expensive necessities for today. Getting rich slowly is better than getting rich quickly. People who get rich quickly often also get poor quickly, while people who get rich slowly have learned along the way; they have learned to earn, to be frugal, to save, to buy well, to manage their money. They have inevitably learned deferred gratification. However deferred gratification and being economical becomes a more difficult thing for affluent parents to teach their children, as the affluence becomes apparent to the kids; this calls for training and discipline of the children. Poor people don’t have much opportunity to be generous. Frugal people, if they have managed well, do have the opportunity to be generous, to help others. They should also have the opportunity to invest for the future.

Christmas is fast approaching and KSS will be enjoying the Festive Season with celebrations in Sydney, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland and the Central Coast. Check out the following dates to make sure you are able to join in the celebrations in your area. Central Coast: 12th November Queensland: 18th November South Australia: 25th November Victoria: 26th November Sydney/Canberra: 3rd December chance to become un-poor. Frugal people are too careful with their money to waste their money: they know that gambling is for losers and the only consistent winners are the gaming houses and organisations and lottery operators. All this is expressed very nicely in the classic fable “The Richest Man in Babylon”, required reading, I believe, for young people of all ages. In this little book the message is ‘Pay Yourself First’ by which he means, putting money aside every pay day for the future- saving. Instead of saving what’s left over, as many do, save first, put 10% of your pay or income into tomorrow, into next year, your retirement, your investments. Saving and looking after your growing capital will ensure you will not be poor; your frugality will ensure your prosperity. Nev Kennard KSS Christmas

Poor people often waste money gambling, seeing this as their only


Kennards Kourier October 2010

Springtime at KSS Gladesville

An English professor wrote the words: “ A woman without her man is nothing ” on the chalk board, and asked his students to punctuate it correctly.

All of the males in the class wrote: “ A woman, without her man, is nothing .”

Are you ready for this...........?

All the females in the class wrote: “ A woman: without her, man is nothing. ”

Punctuation is powerful.

Customer Feedback


“I just wanted to pass on our appreciation....

for the efforts of Trish, Gary and the team (Rod and any others) at Gladesville Kennards Self Storage. My wife and I have been growing our business over the last decade. Years ago we started operating from our garage and as our business grew we moved to Kennards and grew from one small unit to multiple units in recent times. Over this time I can say that we have had a wonderful relationship first with Steve and then with Trish and the team. No problem was ever too big and the professional operation of the office worked very well for our business. It was with great pride that we were able to tell Trish of our intention to move out as we have just recently been taken over by one of our competitors. This of course meant that Trish lost one of her happy customers so I thought that I would make sure that you knew that we are in fact a satisfied customer and have left Kennards Storage for all the right reasons. I am sure it is not all that often that you would get positive feedback so I wanted to make sure that the team at Gladesville were acknowledged for the great environment they are providing there for their customers.”

Congratulations to Kirstie (KSS Burleigh Junction) and Greg Penton on their marriage which took place on July 3rd in the Gold Coast Botanical Gardens.

Congratulations to Brett (THQ) and Judy Leary who decided to “tie the knot” overseas in Las Vegas, on the 13th August at a little Church of the West. They also

visited San Francisco, and Honolulu.

Joanne Woodhouse from THQ is a die-hard fan of the beloved Wests Tigers.

“It’s tough to learn... from mistakes you never made”.


Kennards Kourier October 2010

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