eKourier July 2017
Team Member Profiles
In this issue 20 Culture Surveys...
Mark Bland NSW TSM
Team Member Profiles
Career background: Spent five years working for NIKE Australia before becoming a Warehouse Supervisor for Repco Group. Marital status: Single. Any children? No children Hobbies/interests: I enjoy going to the Footy with my mates to watch Sydney Roosters play.
10 Questions With...
20 Culture Surveys... cont’ 4 Don’t Become A Victim, Get Cyber Smart... 5 Customer Feedback 5 Adding Value To Kennards Properties 6 All Hands On Deck 7 What’s In A Location 8/9 Customer Feedback 9 Change Is Good, Sharpen The Saw 10 Just A Phone Call Away 11 Customer Feedback 11 It’s Time To Huddle 12 Big Orange Beacon Of Freedom 13 Customer Feedback 13 Sleep Under The Stars 14 To MOOC Or Not To MOOC 15 Construction Pipeline 16 Spotlight On... 17 It’s True, Kindness Is Catching 18 A Little Goes A Long Way 18 Nev’s Notes 19 Kennards Community 20 Next issue Deadline: September 15th, 2017 Editor: Sharon Dux Email: sharon@kss.com.au Distribution: October 13th, 2017 Upcoming events 12/8 - Achievement Dinner 14/8 - Royal QLD Show - Logan City/Moreton Bay (Browns Plains & North Lakes Centres Only) (QLD) - PH Hours 16/8 - Royal QLD Show (Brisbane City Centres only) (QLD) - PH Hours 1/9 - Gold Coast Show Day - Burleigh Jct only (QLD) - PH Hours 24/9 - Daylight Savings Starts (NZ) 1/10 - Daylight Savings Starts (NSW/VIC/ACT/SA) 2/10 - Labour Day (NSW/ACT/SA) - PH Hours 2/10 - Queens Birthday - QLD Only (QLD) - PH Hours
Do you play any sport or have any special talents? Jui Jitsu. Favourite book/s: Heavier Than Heaven - Kurt Cobain Biography. Favourite movie: Don’t watch a great deal of movies... Favourite restaurant/food: Japanese. Where did you grow up? Western Sydney with my two Brothers and Sister. Any pets? One Aussie Bulldog. Favourite holiday destinations: I have only been to Fiji but would love to go to Japan in the near future.
Ross Clarke Centre Manager - Wellington NZ
Career background: My career started as a Trainee Chef in Hamilton NZ, found it wasn’t for me and moved on to spray painting Aircraft. I then entered a banking role for the next 20 years as a Senior Banker. I then worked in the TAFE industry for 10 years in a Business Develpoment role with the NZ Open Polytechnic. Marital status: Married. Any children? Two children - Jason and Kirtsy. Jason is an IT Specialist and lead Guitarist in his own band. Kirsty is a great mother to her son, Tsuch.
Hobbies/interests: Motorcycling; riding is number one! Do you play any sport or have any special talents? I used to play Tennis and have performed well in Motorcycle Time Trials. I am also trained in the Martial Art of Kung Fu Mantis. Favourite book/s: Harley Davidson - The Beginning. Favourite movie: One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest. Favourite restaurant/ food: Thailand Whole Fish (sweet and sour), Schnapper and Bluff Oysters. Where did you grow up? In Waikato Region. It was beautiful. Any pets? One cat called Roy. Favourite holiday destinations: Canada, Vancouver.
2 Kennards Kourier July 2017
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