eKourier July 2017


T hank you to everyone who The money raised for the event by all partic- ipants was enough to support eight young people for a whole year who were homeless or at risk. Across three houses Stepping Stone look after 40 young people. They receive a roof over their head, ongoing support, counsel- ling and an education. They are taught valuable life skills to look after themselves, get off welfare, complete school and successfully get into the work force. Pictured left is a photo of an amazing young woman who officially graduated from Stepping Stone House earlier this year. She was a live in resident for 18 months. In that time she has made amazing progress including: * A Completed TAFE qualification in Events Management. sponsored last year’s Stepping Stone House Sleep Under the Stars Event. * Active participation in adventure education programs, including summiting Mt Kosciusko, camping in zero degrees celsius, swimming in waterfalls and learning to ski. * Setting up her own Events Management company and has her first event is coming up. * Addressing the emotional challenges she had prior to coming to SSH. * Learning over 100 life skills and moving into private rental accommodation. Kennards are once again Gold Sponsors for the Sleep Out this year and will also be participating on the 27th October. If you would like to join the Team and Sleep Out Under The Stars and help raise funds for Stepping Stone House please contact myself or Sharon Dux. Alternatively you can also donate to the Team. Think for one minute what it might be like for those 3,632 homeless kids in NSW, and that’s just the kids under 12 years of age... Fiona Harding Business Development Manager * Passing her driving test thanks to the ‘Drive to Freedom’ program.

14 Kennards Kourier July 2017

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