eKourier Jan 2018

1 October Only $ Kennards Kourier scale. This led into our main 30 second ad creative across the best performing stations, such as KIIS, WSFM, NOVA, TripleM in the capital cities; Gold FM and KO FM in the regionals to name a few. This strategy delivered a better than expected result reaching 56.14% of listeners with a frequency 5.32x. Pay Stuff All, To Stuff It All

January 2018

are just as important when a potential customer makes the decision to contact us. From time to time we have decided to run a promotional campaign like this to give occupancy a lift, which has been successful at resetting our occupancy to new levels for the business.

O ctober 2017 saw the return of the $1 Move In Special. Customers moving in during the month of October were asked to pay two months’ rent up front; one month’s actual rent plus one dollar. The promotion was heavily advertised on radio across the Australian Traffic Network (ATN) and the highest rating networks in each region around Australia to give us maximum reach. Radio was supported by an online Adword campaign. The campaign was themed around a good old Australian colloquialism “Stuff All” “Pay Stuff All, To Stuff It All”. An attempt to provide some humour and Australianism to our ad and set us apart in comparison to the normal storage ads you see and hear on the radio. In addition we displayed Banners on our buildings and internally on our Digital Photo Frames. Our website was also themed for the promotion. Anyone searching for storage from the end of September to the end October couldn’t miss our offer. Our campaign launched in the last week of September, with 10 sec live reads by the Australian Traffic Network across all radio networks to create immediate

October was no different. Occupancy improved by 2.2%, growing over 10,000 square metres. Many of our centres

This type of advertising that offers an incentive to customers is unusual for Kennards. For our competitors it’s a little more main stream. Kennards Self Storage generally takes a web first approach to our marketing, appreciating that 90% of consumers research online before making a purchasing decision. Our main focus is on our online presence, being the website and that it ranks organically supplemented with paid Adwords. When found online our brand reputation, quality of service and quality of product

enjoyed growth, some achieving occupancy levels above 90%.

The October promotion aligns with our goal to achieve 90x30x2020. We will see over the coming months how successful the promotion will be by the length of stay of those customers who moved in during October. Darren Marshall General Manager

1 Kennards Kourier January 2018


Team Member Profiles

In this issue Pay Stuff All, To Stuff It All


Katherine Wakefield Vermont Centre Manager Vic

Team Member Profiles


10 Questions with...


Career background: I was Owner Operator of a Commercial Cleaning business for 10 years. After that I moved on to Masters Home Improvement as a Decor Manager. Marital status: Single Any children? I have two fur children named Miss Kitty and Khaleesi Hobbies/interests: I enjoy Camping, Fishing and BBQ’s with friends Do you play any sport or have any special talents? I played football when I was younger and was a Quarter Horse Breeder for several years. Favourite book/s: Dark Alliance

How Much Is Enough?


Customer Feedback


And Warrawong makes Three


It’s A Smalll World...


What’s A Dick


Bank (w)Rec(k)


Customer Feedback


When You’ve Gotta Go


Google Reviews/ Feedback 9 Celebrating 2017, KSS Kristmas 10/11/12/13/14 80% Blue 15 Construction Pipeline 16 Spotlight On... 17 Sleep Under The Stars 2017 18 Google Reviews 19 Nev’s Notes 19 Kennards Community 20 Next issue Deadline: March 16, 2018 Editor: Sharon Dux Upcoming events 22/1 - Wellington Anniversary Day - Wellington P.H. Hours. Palmerston Nth Closed (NZ) 26/1 - Australia Day(NSW/VIC/QLD/ACT/SA) - PH Hours 29/1 - Auckland Anniversary Day- Mt Eden,Three Kings P.H. Hours, Tauranga Closed (NZ) 6/2 - Waitangi Day- Mt Eden, Three Kings, Wellington P.H. Hours, All other NZ Centres closed (NZ) Email: sharon@kss.com.au Distribution: April 13, 2018

Favourite movie: Nell Favourite restaurant/food: Saffron Cottage /Indian

Where did you grow up? I grew up on 380 acres in Berwick and feel blessed to have had the childhood that I did. Spending most days creating games, riding horses and motorbikes, swimming in the dams and just having fun! Any pets? Two cats Favourite holiday destinations: Bali, Bali and Bali!!!

Simon Spring Wellington Centre Manager NZ

Career background: Sales Manager for Sky Television NZ for 19 years. Previous to that an Operations Manager in manufacturing and hospitality in NZ and Australia. Marital status: Married to my lovely wife Janice for 31 years

Any children? My daughter Lauren, just finshed her fouth year of her Law Degree. She also loves music; playing piano, guitar, keyboard and drums. My son Conor just finished his second year of a BA in Criminology/Sociology, he wants to join the Poilce Force. He is also a keen Online Gamer. Hobbies/interests: Spending time with my family and mucking around in my 50sqm backyard shed. Also love to listen to music. Do you play any sport or have any special talents? Love Golf and playing Texas Holdem Poker Favourite book/s: The Power of One, by Bryce Courtney Favourite movie: There are so many, maybe Blade Runner, I’m a Sci-fi nut! Favourite restaurant/food: The Great India and Boulcott Bistro (French) Where did you grow up? I mostly grew up in Sydney, but also lived in Mt Isa, Melbourne, Cooma and Perth. I now live in NZ and have done for 38 years.

12/3 - Adelaide Cup (SA) - PH Hours 12/3 - Canberra Day (ACT) - PH Hours 12/3 - Labour Day (VIC) - PH Hours 30/3 - Good Friday - KSS Closed

31/3 - Easter Saturday - Normal Saturday Hours 1/4 - Daylight Savings Ends (NSW/VIC/ACT/SA/ NZ) 1/4 - Easter Sunday - Normal Sunday Hours 2/4 - Easter Monday - Mt Eden, Three Kings, Wellington P.H. Hours, All other NZ Centres closed (NZ) (NSW/VIC/QLD/ACT/SA) - PH Hours

9-20/4 - Skillbuilder (NSW) 17-19/4 - Skillbuilder (QLD)

Any pets? 13 year old Labrador named Ollie. Favourite holiday destinations: New York!

2 Kennards Kourier January 2018


10 Questions... With Juan Moran - I.T. Support Analyst

my attitude and productivity.

How long have you been with KSS? I’ve been with KSS at THQ for seven months now. What is your role at THQ? My role here is primarily to help all our Team Members with their I.T. systems, everything from development to mainte- nance and support. In terms of the nuts and bolts of my role with KSS, it involves lots of problem solving, system maintenance and administration. I’ve always enjoyed puzzles and the idea of using technology to help people to achieve their personal goals is very satisfying. Tell us about the I.T. Team you work with? We are a really strong Team that is always happy to help each other. I greatly admire their support and desire for growth as I.T. professionals. What do you enjoy most about your role? I enjoy the sincere appreciation I receive from the Team Members. A heartfelt “thanks” goes a long way to improving

Have you always been in this line of work? Yes, I’ve had the privilege of working with Technology for more than 12 years. During this time I have worked in many I.T. roles. I’ve always found it really enjoyable; the idea of using technology to help people. Where did you work before KSS? I worked for Apple for more than five years. Working for this company was an amazing experience. I was privileged to be able to take advantage of flexible scheduling, allowing me to complete my Masters Degree while working there. Tell us about your family? My Wife Yvonne is a beautiful, strong woman who loves helping people. She is a Psychologist and Registered Nurse and provides clinical advice to people with health issues. What were your first impressions of KSS? I found that everyone was really happy

working at KSS and then I realised why; KSS culture promotes Freedom, Prosperity and Responsibility. Do you have any hobbies/interest? Although I love all sports, my favourite is soccer. I’ve been playing soccer since I was five years old, playing for many clubs and divisions. What is your favourite food? My favourite food would have to be medium rare steak with mushroom sauce, chips and salad and for dessert a nice Italian Gelato. To sum up Kennards in one word would be? Prosperity! This is the first word that comes to my mind when I think of KSS.

3 Kennards Kourier January 2018

FEATURES How Much Is Enough?

Customer Feedback “I would highly recommend Kennards Self Storage at Castle Hill. Access is great, premises are clean and tidy and the staff are AMAZING! Storing my business requirements at Kennards for nine months was great. The staff were always willing to assist and help where ever possible and they were also very friendly and approachable.” “Andrew and Mina are two of the most helpful people I have met at Wentworthville. Always ready to assist with whatever request I have. Look forward to doing business with them for many years to come.” “We have had our household stuff in storage while renovating and have been extremely happy with Kennards Hoxton Park. The staff are always lovely, helpful and happy whenever we go there. The storage facility is easily accessed, very clean and the prices are great. We also bought boxes and bubble wrap etc at great prices and it’s all good quality packaging. We will be extending our storage for another six months.” “Thank you Maz for your profes- sional assistance in providing us with a storage solution to suit our needs for a long term lease at Murarrie. Storage and insurance rates were excellent. Facilities extremely clean and secure.” Wellington did what they said they’d do, they were cheerfully flexible in accommodating my changing needs, delivered the service I requested at the price they quoted (not a single cent added as fees or extras), and did it with complete professionalism. The storage facility is clean, bright, and well equipped.” “Have used storage for five years for my business. The facilities, staff and the service for receiving my deliveries is very helpful and reliable. Highly recommended Hoxton Park.” “From first contact until I clicked the lock on my stuff, Kennards

O ver the last 12 months we have focused on having positive inventory levels for every inventory item we sell at Kennards. Being in stock is critical to providing the number one shopping experience for both in-store and online Box Shop customers. Every report demonstrates that we are mastering this, as the number of centres and the number of items are reducing every report, well done! The longer you work at one centre, the more you are likely to know monthly sales trends for both revenue and quantity sold of items. However ,what happens if you relocate to a new centre, or are a new Team Member or a TSM working at a centre when the monthly order is due? How do you know what sells? How much should I order? There are some tools at hand to help you review sales and identify trends. The first is a report in Storman – Reports/Inventory Valuation. This report shows all inventory movement for the month including purchases and sales. It also shows your current SOH. Best Practice centres run this

‘ Being in stock is critical to providing the number one shopping experience for both in-store and online Box Shop customers report each month and enter the data into Excel, per product and quantity sold. Using the data from the report in this way trends your sales history and assists in making the best ordering decisions. Merchandise income reported on your KPI reports also provides a guide to how much you may need to order. If you have sold more this month than last month, then possibly your WRS ordering should be greater than last month. Lastly, a tidy well organised stock room, good stock take counts and placing your order every month by the 20th all contribute to a successful in stock situation. Carolyn Coates NSW Operations Manager

4 Kennards Kourier January 2018


And Warrawong Makes Three...

T he final touches have been placed on our brand new Warrawong storage centre at 249 Shellharbour Road. Progress was made quite quickly in the end. Signage, driveways, permanent fencing and landscaping were the items to be installed last. Perfectly located between the Beach and Lake Illawarra, right opposite Harvey Norman on the Primbee Bypass, KSS Warrawong is now taking its first customers. This centre is an outstanding addition for customers in the Warrawong, Port Kembla and South Wollongong areas, with easy access even from suburbs such as Dapto, Lake Illawarra and Shellharbour itself. Our latest generation 4K CCTV is operational. The computer controlled PIN coded gates and individual alarms are on and ready. Beyond our state of the art alarmed storage spaces, a key feature of the Warrawong centre we will be expanding its undercover vehicle spaces for storing caravans, boats

and cars. Far better than uncovered storage where your car or boat is exposed to the elements. With a solid steel roof they are more versatile for some of those larger “Big Boys Toys” that cannot fit into a normal storage space. We have an entire building dedicated to these spaces in sizes from 6x3m to 7.5 and 9m long. Located perfectly between the Beach and Lake Illawarra, right opposite Harvey Norman... If the customer is looking for larger storage then our Warrawong centre also has some of the best value Mini Warehouses within the area. Ranging in sizes up to 108 square metres, many with triple doors, power and lighting. Other features available for our business customers in this, our second centre in the Wollongong area are the combined Wifi Hot Desks and tea coffee area along with an air conditioned Conference Room. ‘ ‘

Perfectly set up for the business customer, be they a roving Rep sneaking in some quiet prep time before visiting clients or that Area Manager visiting their Team while in the region. Business customers like this can sit quietly and work away at the Hot Desk. They can also simply book the Confer- ence Room and have a full debrief with their Team. The Management Team is lead by Mark Mallinson. Unusually, Mark wasn’t available in December as the poor guy was rushed away for a Triple Heart Bypass. He’s back on his feet recovering now and plans to be back at work sometime nearer to February. It was a bit of a scare but we’re glad he’s on the mend and look forward to his return. Maria Garcia joined us a short time ago and has rocketed ahead with amazing success. Supported with help and guidance from Matt and Bel at Wollon- gong, Maria was able to open the centre and was serving her first customers as the signs were still going up! Darryl Hodgson NSW Operations Manager

5 Kennards Kourier January 2018

NZ NEWS It’s A Small World When It Comes To Kennards Boxes

Customer Feedback “I have been using the Rozelle centre for over three years now and I am very happy with Johny and Jai’s service, they are always helpful! The centre is always clean and we love the amenities they provide.” “Excellent Staff, very professional, supporting, helpful, FUN. They provide a level of service that is like no other. I have stored for eight years with Kennards Hoxton Park and I believe they make each day easy and my business run smoothly.” “The facility at St Marys is well organised, with a good variety of storage shed sizes, ample access and plenty of parking. The area is clean and tidy, made easier by the fact that it is quite new. The prices are reasonable. Security is via keypad entry, with large steel gates securing the complex.” “Really friendly and knowledgeable staff at Moore Park. Simple, straight- forward layout. Great prices, deals and discounts. More than enough boxes, storage and vans available, they have every packing accessory you’d need as well. Plenty of space to load and unload your vehicle, and a super comfy couch for relaxing while you wait. Not that there’s usually a wait. Super efficient. Super awesome.” “I’ve been storing with Kennards North Melbourne for quite a while and what keeps me here are the great staff (AZAM and SUZANNE) they are super helpful, very, very friendly and always willing to help. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. THANKS TEAM.” “I have been using Kennards Self Storage at Gladesville to run my business for over 14 years. The staff are always great to deal with and always willing to help. I make use of the conference room onsite to complete my paperwork on a daily basis. There are always plenty of trolleys available to use. I would recommend this facility to anyone needing storage.”

I f I said to you – where is Aokautere? I bet you would have no idea. That’s okay I was the same. It is a small semi-rural settlement on the South Border of Palmerston North in lower North Island. The students excelled and gave a wonderful performance. And it goes without saying how good those Kennards Boxes are looking on stage! Recently I got an email from a past Team Member Blair Elliott, who was our Assistant Manager at Palmerston North during 2014-15. His children attend this school and sent me a photo informing me about the school play production called “ Night In The Library”, which all 100 students participated in and it was watched by over 300 parents and ‘ ‘

friends in the local Community Centre in Palmerston North City.

The students excelled and gave a wonderful performance. And it goes without saying how good those Kennards Boxes are looking on stage! Nice local brand promotion for Kennards Self Storage in the community, something that is expensive to replicate with traditional advertising. I thanked Blair for sharing this with me and he was keen for me to share it with everyone in the Kourier Magazine. Andrew Kirkham NZ Operations Manager

6 Kennards Kourier January 2018


What’s A Dick?

S lang words are a language consisting of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal, are more common in speech than writing and are typically restricted to a particular context or group of people. When you look at New Zealand and Australian slang it can be quite hard to understand especially with our unique accents. We all use slang words on a daily basis when communicating with people – it’s in our DNA.

past, I have found it quite fascinating and proud to see Oz or Kiwi storer’s bring their entire household of mates, buddy’s, cobbers, ankle-biters, bro’s or cuz (wearing their jandals or at times eating some tucker) to visit our sites (especially in the arvo) just to have a squiz at our facilities. Most people visiting our facilities just like to have a yabber or earbash about their lives. Haven’t we all had that over the counter experience with the bloke or sheila from The Wops or Back o’

of fitting all their stuff into a small locker. All they really wanted was a quick squiz at the storage space cos’ I was just passing by. In the end, strewth do you think that they would listen – yeah nah, just pack a sad and probably spit the dummy about the cost. During my time spent working in our NZ storage Centre’s, I always got a ‘shux bro’ or ‘good as gold’, but it just didn’t make sense why people would finish a sentence with the word ‘eh’. Actually, if ever it was a hot day, I loved to see Team Members take customer service a little bit further and ask if they wanted a ‘chur’ or ‘cold drink’ from the ‘Chilly Bin’. Most customer reactions were ‘too right’, ‘yeah nah’, ‘she’ll be right mate’ or ‘choice bro’. Isn’t it funny the way we New Zealanders and Australians communicate between each other - just like ‘being a dick’! Wayne Birch VIC Operations Manager

G’day, Kia ora or just plain welcome have all the desired effect of making our customers feel at ease. There are certainly other forms of the English ‘ Most people visiting our facilities just like to have a yabber or earbash about their lives. Haven’t we all had that over the counter experience with the bloke or sheila from The Wops or Back o’ Bourke...

Bourke, who hasn’t seen anyone for days, just wanting to big note themselves, and have a yarn or chew the fat about their storage moving experience… and all we want to do is get on with our daily storage business. So frustrating – right! What I do like is the new interactions with the dags or even ding bats that aren’t quite dinky di about what they want to store – and we just do what we do best – sort out their problems. We’ve all come across those sus customers that have a boot full of gear, who really don’t have buckley’s chance

language that also may have the effect of initially greeting someone or

being the start of a conversa- tion.

In the

7 Kennards Kourier January 2018

FINANCE Bank (w)Rec(k)

Customer Feedback “I was really happy from the minute I spoke with Leigh at Maroochydore. Super professional and happy to help. Informative without being pushy and followed up when he said he would. Based on this I was sold. For the record I’m kind of hard to impress too so this is a great compliment. Well done.” “Suzanne at North Melbourne was very helpful and efficient, assessing the space I would require and quickly arranging my storage. She looked after all my needs and was happy to spend time answering my questions and explaining the process for after hours entry to the facility.” “The gentleman I first spoke to at Panorama was very thorough with all the information and kindly showed me a couple of the appropriate storage units. He clearly explained the conditions, payment and insurance so I was able to make a clear decision.” “Your Team is great, particularly the lovely Dennis at Petersham, he has been seriously brilliant every time I’ve dealt with him.” “From the first phone call taken by Ramesh at Waterloo, through to the person who showed me the storage and set things up, it was all first class.” “Everything was great at Tauranga. Duncan the Manager, is outstanding and provided the”X” factor!” “Everything was great with friendly, helpful staff. Prospect is a clean premises with professional service well administered!” “Great facilities at North Melbourne, and above all exceptional service and super friendly Manager Azam, who helped us a great deal.” “Friendly staff and a great experience overall at Macquarie Park. Highly recommended!”

R econciliations and in partic- ular Bank Reconciliations are often spoken about and we all hear about them regularly, especially from a Finance Team. Why do we hear about the Bank Rec so often? This saying will never change and as we move to a far more electronic world, it becomes even more important that we are aware of what is going in and out of our bank accounts(s). The good old Bank Reconciliation impacts all of us every day. Often we do not realise we are carrying out a Bank Rec. We may be doing it in our heads, on a scrap of paper or a formal process at work. In our every day lives we are always aware of our Bank Account and what is going on and as we spend money, we are subconsciously doing a Bank Rec every time. CASH IS KING

that have fraudulently been charged to our accounts. • The Bank Rec will also identify any errors we may have made. • The Rec assists to identify customer payments that may have not matched in our system. • Ensuring all items are banked and accurate allows the business to collect cash to make payments to suppliers, wages, statutory charges etc and then use the remaining funds to invest and continue to grow the business. Where Bank Recs are not done the opposite of all the above points could take place which could lead to disastrous outcomes for a business or a bank w-rec-k!! There could be incorrect charges, fraud, errors and non payments from customers. Cash flow could also be impacted.

Carrying out daily Bank Recs prevents

‘ The good old Bank Reconciliation impacts all of us every day. Often we do not realise we are carrying out a Bank Rec. We may be doing it in our heads, on a scrap of paper or a formal process at work. What is a Bank Rec and why is it necessary ? • It is a review of what has gone in and out of a Bank Account. • It looks to ensure that what has gone in and out is what we expected to see. any wreck relating to cash and banking. When doing a Bank Rec we are carrying out one of the most important processes we could do for our personal or profes- sional lives. Have a go, look at your Bank Statement, get your kids to have a look at their Statements. It is interesting and

rewarding as well as sometimes a scary experience! But do enjoy the process, it will avoid any nasty surprises in the future… Anthony Rous Chief Financial Officer

• It also identifies anything unexpected such as a bounced cheque or direct debit, an unusual charge that may not be ours or errors from the bank (they do happen). • These days with cyber fraud on the increase we are also looking for items

8 Kennards Kourier January 2018


“Friendly and welcoming on first visit. Excellent knowledge. Showed storage area’s and explained facilities to a very high standard. Very clean and well organised work place at Wellington.” “Explained very clearly just how your storage service operates at Chermside by showing a storage unit. This was done very comfortably without rushing it along.” “Friendliness and helpfulness of staff. Having trolleys available was very handy. Also access to a padlock was great.” “Excellent staff both on the phone and the very helpful lady who checked us in at Homebush.” “Was very good about showing me where everything is at Ivanhoe, and showing me the different sizes of units.” “Reassurance of the storage process. Loved the way the office area was set up in colours of the storage as well as the knowledgeable staff. Thanks Maroochydore.” “I’m an ex-marketing professional (Emirates /General Motors - etc) and I am unable to fault your thorough and well organised business and strong corporate ID.” “Everything at Mittagong was great, the young lady was extremely helpful, and really nice to deal with.” “Clear concise information provided by Mt Eden. Friendly professional engagement. Explained and showed storage options thus making the decision easy.” “From initial enquiry to completion of delivery of goods and since then, Kennards Newstead have been easy and polite to deal with at all times.” “Staff are amazing. Couldn’t speak higher of the service. The facilities are exceptional, clean, secure and afford- able. Highly recommend Wollongong.” Customer Feedback

oogle Reviews

“ Excellent service and follow up. Lovely lady at Hastings store let us temporarily store our goods in a spare unit on the ground floor so that we would have time to return the rental truck. We came back in the afternoon and moved everything to the actual unit. There is no way we could have gotten it done in time otherwise! ” Ally. “ Explanations of what is available were excellent. Explanations on how to use the facility were excellent. The boxes and other storage items are great, and the facility itself is kept in wonderful condition. I have been very impressed with every facet of the process so far, from the friendly and efficient staff, to the actual availa- bility of secure space. ” Colin. “ Everything was fantastic. From the initial greeting of your customer service people to the tour of the facility at Waterloo to the completion of paperwork and comprehensive explanation of procedures for entry and exit. I could not fault a thing. In fact, after years of employment with Qantas Airways training flight attend- ants (where customer service is paramount), I kept thinking Alan Joyce should come down and see what Kennards are doing because you are getting it right. All staff seemed genuinely cheerful at work, they recognised me from a previous day’s visit and they remembered my name, brilliant! They deserve a pay rise! And I do not know any one of them personally! ” Dominic.

When You’ve Gotta Go...

money and the facility is a little closer to home. ” The owner then says “ Why didn’t you talk to me, I could of done a deal as you have been here so long. ” Ken replies “ The truth is the decision was not based on price, as I have taken an upstairs unit which although a little inconvenient, I am most happy with the unit. I am leaving because of convenience for my wife .” The owner unsure of what he means then quizzes Ken further. Ken says “ They have a toilet available 24 hours a day, so if we are at the unit my wife can use their facilities. Storing here, if she needs to go, we need to lock up the unit and go home, as she has to go home to use our toilet. ” The owner was last seen walking away mumbling something along the lines of “ OMG a toilet? Mumble explicit comments followed by Kennards. ” It is hard to believe a multi-million dollar state of the art facility and this sealed the deal! Paul Sommerville Centre Manager, Seaford Meadows

A customer named Ken, moved in last month and relocated his goods from Aldinga Self Storage. When relocating, Ken used our free move-in trailer option and just today relayed a funny story to me about the move. He is at Aldinga and is approached by the owner of the facility. The owner says “ Ken why did you go hire a trailer from Kennards I have one here you can use anytime? ” To this Ken replied “ I didn’t hire this trailer, I got it free to help me move in. ” The owner then asked “ What, you’re leaving? Why?.... I know for a fact they are not cheaper than us on that size unit .” Ken responds with, “ They are cheaper as I have 24 hour access; a larger space for similar

9 Kennards Kourier January 2018


Celebrating 201




10 Kennards Kourier January 2018


17, KSS Kristmas!




11 Kennards Kourier January 2018


Celebrating 201


12 Kennards Kourier January 2018


17, KSS Kristmas!

13 Kennards Kourier January 2018


Celebrating 2017, KSS Kristmas!


14 Kennards Kourier January 2018


80% Blue

S killbuilder September 2017 saw the Operations Team lead the 80% Blue sessions. Designed to give all Team Members a clear understanding of the reasons why we measure our culture. Understanding the 12 behaviours and where they fit and what we can learn from it and the role it plays in the growth of the business, this proved to be an extremely popular session. The Teams were given the opportu- nity to show that they understood each behaviour through drawings. These were to have no words or numbers, they were to purely be a drawing. We had a lot of fun with this and the quality of the drawings may have likened to Picasso, or maybe closer to the local Kindergarten. In their defence they were limited with time. We thought it would be fun to share these and see if you were able to match some of the drawings to the appropriate behaviours. There are 12 labelled drawings here; can you determine which of these pictures represents which behaviour. Self-Actualising, Humanistic-Encouraging, Affiliative, Approval, Conventional, Dependant, Avoidance, Oppositional, Power, Competitive, Perfectionistic, Achievement. Bill McClean Training & Development Manager These behaviours are :









Answers: Humanistic-Encouraging - 1


Affiliative - 2 Approval - 3 Conventional - 4 Dependant - 5 Avoidance - 6 Oppositional - 7 Power - 8 Competitive - 9



Perfectionistic - 10 Achievement - 11 Self-Actualising - 12


15 Kennards Kourier January 2018


Chullora NSW

Camperdown NSW

Chullora Open For Business

Petersham NSW

Petersham NSW - The new Petersham is complete The final piece to the puzzle is complete and Petersham is like a new centre with a new multilevel self storage building, new lifts, new loading docks, new office and older areas refurbished, Petersham is rocking! Chullora NSW - Ready for business Open for business, two of three buildings up and running with the final multi-storey building due to open in February. Camperdown NSW - Another 460 units Open for business with another 460 + units into the mix. Croydon Park S.A - First stage almost complete A staged release of self storage units and the new office is almost ready for business. The balance of the new work will be released in March. Adelaide Airport SA - Works underway Hutchison Builders are the successful builders and are on site and underway.

Castle Hill NSW - Construction has begun Total Construction are well underway. The Team at Castle Hill are settled into their temporary office. Waterloo NSW - A fresh coat of paint Will receive a face lift with a complete repaint top to bottom. Warrawong NSW - Industrial Strata Units Something different for KSS, we are expanding into the construction of industrial strata units. Total Construction will start this month on the land adjoining our recently opened self storage development. Coorparoo QLD - Construction to start in March Council approval has been issued, demolition underway with construction to start in March. For regular updates follow Michael on Yammer and Twitter. Michael Macheledt & Craig Henery Development & Construction Team

Castle Hill NSW Perspective


Kennards Kourier January 2018


Spotlight on Castle Hill

Above: Temporary office. Right: Centre Manager Mick Baron (front) and Medhat George Assistant Manager

K ennards Self Storage Castle Hill is located in the Victoria Road Industrial Precinct at 5 Packard Avenue. For those of you who remember the famous (or Infamous) Tony Packard Holden (Just up the Windsor Road from Baulkham Hills and Let me do it right for you) we are located beside the original dealer- ship and are highly visible from Windsor Road. The site was originally a Millers site built in 1990 and taken over by KSS in 2004. We still have the original Dog Kennel for the Guard Dogs that Millers used to use overnight on the site, as well as a few of their customers from that time, with the longest here since 1991. We did have three buildings with just over 950 units, but due to current construction, for now we have two buildings with 775 units. Once construc- tion of the new five storey building is complete we expect to have around 1,300 units in total. This will put us in a great position to handle the explosion in apartments in the Castle Hill area due to the opening of the North West Rail Line in early 2019.

around $12,000 a month on merchandise and around 100 enquiries. The current Team here at Castle Hill consists of Assistant Manager, Medhat George (four years with Kennards), our Part Time Assistant Manager, Jim Gavin (coming up for two years now) and myself. I took over as Centre Manager early in 2017 and have been with Kennards for the last nine years. We are proud to have been a Training Hub both under Steve Jansen and Neil Pardoe. We have also been involved with the ANC Courier start up under Neil Pardoe as well as the Rent Now Pilot. We expect this year to be challenging with our temporary office and construction taking place. Access will be tight and will need to be managed well with our Builders Total Construction. The upside to all this will be a brand new building and office and the exciting challenge to then rent it out. Mick Baron Kennards Self Storage Castle Hill

We have a number of National Accounts as well as a large number of businesses, which means we get a steady stream of deliveries most days making manage- ment of the Parcel Pick Up a priority. We enjoy healthy competition with three other storage facilities within five kms of us. We are the largest centre in the area offering 24 hour access, Enterprise Spaces, Driveway Units and Outdoor Spaces. We can also accept 40 foot Containers on site. We have a few quirky customers that love to have a chat and that have been here for years. We also have a few famous customers that we approached to have their photos taken for the Kourier, both politely declined. Let’s just say that one is a famous female singer and coach on a popular reality show and the other is a retired Wiggle! Currently we sit at just over 90% occupancy and have already taken a few reservations for when the new building is completed later this year. The Centre has been above 85% for the last few years and on average makes

17 Kennards Kourier January 2018


Sleep Under The Stars 2017 or to make the best fortress/construction ever built!

L ast years Sleep Under The Stars event saw 231 amazing people sleep out for one night under the stars to help raise awareness and funds for Stepping Stone House, a Not For Profit Organisation providing medium and long term accommodation, development and care for youth aged 12 to 24 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. In total the event raised a huge $275,758 which will go towards funding eight young people for a year and also another new house to help accommo- date them. The KSS Freedom Fighters consisting of 16 people and 102 fantastic donors raised $21,549. KSS were also Gold Sponsors for the event providing funding and Kennards Boxes, which were used very wisely on the night, either as shelter

The weather didn’t look like it would be in our favour on the day, but fortunately for 90% of the evening and overnight we had mostly clear skies. Although we didn’t win best construc- tion of the night, Fiona Harding from THQ, one of our KSS Freedom Fighters managed to be one of the top fundraisers collecting $7,661. This years event will be held on Friday the 26th October, we encourage you to join the KSS Team and help raise funds again for this very worthy cause. It’s a great night out, not to mention possibly the best views of Sydney Harbour you will find! Sharon Dux EA to the MD

Jason Juretic from Stepping Stone House presenting Fiona Harding from THQ with her gift and certificate for her top fundraising efforts.

18 Kennards Kourier January 2018


Nevs Notes... Bureauphobia

Nev enjoyed expressing his ideas in this section of the Kourier. These little gems have been appreciated by many in KSS. We will continue to publish his ideas that we have in stock. Enjoy!

Council; we collude to avoid them. We appraise the chance of being caught for what we want to do, and then work out strategy to avoid the Council Crats. Property Rights, the essential ingredient for prosperity and freedom, are progres- sively chipped away by Council and Government Rules and Taxes and Regulations. These Rules and Taxes and Regulations have nothing to do with ethics or morality, or with safety, or with being a good neighbour. So it is fun, and moral, to do as Henry David Thoreau, the American writer and advocate for Civil Disobedience, suggested, “Be a Good Neighbour and a Bad Subject”. Bureauphobia, it may be an incurable condition, but it is manageable. You can tough it out and bite your tongue, or pretend the symptoms are not there, or play games with the Crats and their regulations, like a sport, and see what you can get away with. How much civilisation is lost, how much progress forgone, how much money wasted, how much personal responsibility lost through the masses of regulations and fees that our Crats seek to impose?

Or building a little extra room out the back, for a study, studio, storage, spare bed-room… the Crats want to you to fill in a form, pay a fee, wait in their Applica- tions Queue, and then tell you whether they like what you want to do. They may want you to build it their way and not your way. The worst Crats seem to be the young ones. Fresh out of some school, imbued with the earnest enthusiasm of youth and to make their way by going by the book. Older Crats have been around a bit, know the stupidity of much of what

It’s a debilitating condition, bureau- phobia, in these days of regulated everything, there is much I don’t do because the heavy hand of government touches just about everything and I get turned off. And there are some things I do which are regulated for which I don’t ask permission. Better to beg forgiveness than ask permission is my belief in many areas. Bureaucrats are not evil people, some of them can be quite human even, but it is the job they are required to do and the stifling regulations they are so keen to impose that are evil and immoral and bring on my fear and phobia.

How much civilisation is lost, how much progress forgone, how much money wasted, how much personal responsibility lost through the masses of regulations and fees that our Crats seek to impose?

‘ they are asked to police, and can turn a blind eye, bend the rules a bit, suggest a way to get what you want. Older Crats may be approaching retirement and be seeking fewer, not more, problems. Our Enemy, The Council could be a book, like Albert Jay Nock’s classic Our Enemy, The State, but focus on the local manifestation of The State. My neighbours, and the contractors and tradesmen I deal with all hate the

Take chopping down a tree in your backyard: you are supposed to get Council approval, fill in a form, and pay a fee — ridiculous. The “ Tree Cops ” think they know what should be growing on your land. You can own the land, plant the tree, nurture the tree, like the tree, and then get to dislike the tree. Maybe the tree’s roots go where you don’t want them to go, or the shade isn’t right, or drops leaves in your gutter or threatens to fall and damage people or property. Whose tree is it?

Responsible civil disobedience — the way to go for the sufferers of Bureauphobia!

August 25th, 2011

19 Kennards Kourier January 2018


Kennards Community

Left and below: Congratula- tions to Charles Shepherd Manager of Maribyrnong and Wife Chiemi, on the birth of Akito Owen born on the 17th October 2017, weighing in at 3.95kg

Below and below right: Congratulations to Peta Condon, Manager of Mayfield and Husband Joel on the birth of their daughter Lillian Mabel, on the 2nd December 2017 at 12:23am, weighing a very petite 2.5kg.

Below and right: Proud Mum, Mary Nessek from THQ with her son James Nessek and now wife Pakarat (Tai), married on the 10th September 2017 at St Peter Chanel Catholic Church in Berala. The Reception was then held at Paradiso in Fairfield.

“The tragedy in life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.” Mazen Trabolsi - KSS Murarrie QLD

20 Kennards Kourier January 2018

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