eKourier Jan 2017


2016 Ratings Success Story T his year was the fourth consec- utive year of our Blaine and Amber radio campaign. Turning full circle Blaine and Amber returned to the Southern Cross Radio network where it all began back in 2013. prize. Imagine the game Memory. Listeners would have to tune in

to Triple M for the cue to call, and one listener nationally was selected to play. The caller was asked to pick two Storage units e.g. Number 20 and 14, if the prize

The SCR Network is Australia’s number One FM radio network with just over 3.5 million metro listeners tuning in each week and over 1.1 million users online. With a national presence the SCR Network is broadcasted in metro markets Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. They have 41 regional stream stations ensuring we capture every market where we have a Kennards locations in Australia. In addition to the Blaine and Amber story we were approach by Southern Cross Radio to take part in a major radio promotion theme “Paulie’s Estate” that ran for the month of July. PROMOTION CONCEPT Paulie Robinson (a fictitious character) was the biggest Triple M prize winner of all time, he sadly passed away. Paulie requested that all the prizes he had won, which were stored at Kennards self Storage were to be given away, again! To play for a part in the Estate, listeners had to download a playing grid from the Triple M website. The playing grids were numbered with Kennard’s Self Storage Units 1 to 30, and hidden behind each roller door was a

behind each roller door matched they won that prize! This happened five times a day from 9am-3pm AEST. Callers were pre-recorded then played out in each market following the “cue to call” going to air. The promotion was a great a success and provided Kennards with a fresh new branding along with greater reach and frequency establishing Kennards as the number one Brand in Self Storage for Triple M listeners. The promotion also ran online which included images of Paulie on site at a Kennards Self Storage location. Tthank you to the Springvale Team for facilitating the photo shoot. LISTENER SURVEY RESULTS Southern Cross Radio (Triple M) conducted a Campaign Effectiveness Study, a survey designed to determine the success of

promotion was very successful. Not only was it considered the best competi- tion Triple M respondents had heard on radio in the past month, it achieved the following; - 86% recalled the competition once prompted - Without being prompted, 54% associ- ated it with Kennards - Almost three in five respondents did something as a result of hearing Paulie’s Estate on air. - Those who recalled the competi- tion were more likely to consider using Kennards in the future for their storage needs. Triple M is considered the number one sport radio station on the FM network, mainly for the NRL using high profile sports commentators. Kennards Self Storage featured heavily in the live reads by the sports commentators and featured as part of the NRL sponsorship. The survey results strongly suggest the promotion was a success for SCR and Kennards Self Storage, greatly enhancing our Brand recognition. I also received many more comments this year from people I know, including employees from Storage King, who mentioned to me that all they hear on the radio is Kennards Self Storage. Storage King also advertises on Triple M SCR radio network. Planning is underway for our 2017 radio campaign, improving on 2016 is going to be hard to to . Darren Marshall General Manager

Paulie’s Estate promotion. This was achieved by testing the recall and likability by the listeners of the promotion itself and the brands associated with the competition.

IN SUMMARY Overall the Paulie’s Estate

7 Kennards Kourier Jan 2017

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