eKourier Jan 2016
Measuring Customer Service
T he Mystery Shop process has been in place at Kennards for sometime, beginning with phone calls for many years before trialing and then implementing both walk in and on line processes. This process provides the business with a fantastic opportunity to measure and review the quality of the customer service provided by our Team Members across all the enquiry channels. The benefit of measuring the quality of our customer service is it provides us with specific detail to aid in the growth and subsequent development of our Team Members. The Phone process has each Team Member Mystery Shopped by phone once every quarter, the results have shown Team Members consistently average in the 90’s over some time. The growth in the last twelve months saw the average increase of 1.75% to average 94.5%. With 30% of our enquiries coming via the phone it is extremely important we get this right. The standards being achieved here are something our Team Members can be very proud of. In the year 2014 – 2015 we introduced On Line Mystery Shop and Walk in Mystery Shop. These categories did not reflect in the centres average score each quarter.
maintain their successful phone results. From the 1st of January each centre will be phone shopped six times a year following the same criteria as opposed to each Team Member each quarter. Our walk in customers make up the majority of our enquiries. While we are getting good results we believe it is important to encourage improvement. From the 1st January each centre will be Walk In Mystery Shopped once a quarter, a six per cent increase here will see the average climb into the nineties, a goal we can all strive to achieve. On line results are a follow up call and we were aware would take some time to adjust to. The 16% growth from the first quarter was excellent. As a business we would like to see that number above 85% and with commitment it is achiev- able. We will increase these reviews to six a year at all centres. For our Teams all scores will be reflected in their quarterly average and we have created a system that is well and truly Team based. We all look forward to seeing our Teams seize the opportunity to take their customer service standards to the next level. Bill McClean Training & Development Manager
. The Walk In process we introduced has each centre being “shopped” once every six months. Over the six months we improved by 3.1%, the yearly average achieved was 84.6%. While the results are good it has shown we still have opportuni- ties for improvement, not only in service but also in customer follow up. Part of the realisation was that we were only measuring this twice a year yet walk in customers represent approximately 40% of our enquiries. With On Line enquiries being a big part of the future of retailing we committed to measuring the follow up calls from on line enquiries every quarter for each centre. Our yearly average was 58.29% with a first quarter effort of 46.23% to see our average improve into the mid-sixties was rewarding. We actually saw a 16% increase in this category. While on line enquiries account for 15% of all enquiries we certainly see this as a growth area and something we need to focus on now to be “match fit” for the future growth. The Future The frequency of future shops provides us with a huge opportunity to continue to develop in order to achieve the same great results for the phone process across all categories. Knowing the culture of our business and our Teams commitment to achieve, we trust that they will be keen to
7 Kennards Kourier January 2016
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