eKourier Jan 2013
First Words From the Gong...
On the 5th October we were open for business (not fully operational but open) from then on the response has been overwhelming. It seems like Wollongong has been long awaiting the services that Kennards Self Storage offer. By the end of October we had 33 units rented equalling 453 sqm. The premises has two levels consisting of 409 units including 42 undercover RV, Boat and Caravan storage. We also have quite a bit of vacant land which can be used for semi- trailers and containers. My partner (Brenda) and I are very happy we made the move to Wollongong and no doubt we will become Dragon supporters! Mark Montgomery Centre Manager Wollongong A New Scene For Matt Being previously employed in a video game shop, Kennards Self Storage has provided the opportunity for a new challenge in a very different environment. Starting from scratch and assisting with the setup of the Wollongong centre has been fun and exciting. Particu- larly watching the progress of construction and our first customers moving in to the centre. The centre is looking great and I am looking forward to showing more customers around and assisting with their storage needs. Matthew Jones Assistant Manager Wollongong
Mark Montgomery, Why the Move? L to R - Matthew Jones, Mark Montgomery, Darryl Hodgson, The ‘Clown’ and Fiona Harding at the Grand Opening of KSS Wollongong.
A fter managing the Port The challenge being to understand the process of opening up a new centre from scratch. Was I in for a shock! One thing I found was that if one thing falls behind this just starts the chain reaction which rolls on and on and on. You learn to prioritise quickly. Melbourne Centre for nearly 5 years I felt like I was in need of a new challenge. Brett Leary and the IT Team really understood that I needed to be in contact with the KSS world and set me up with Kosmo, StorMan and Outlook from home as the opening of Wollongong kept being put back.
All the team at THQ, including CCC who delivered the unseen things from construction to accounts, stationery orders, website, reservations etc, gave me great confidence everything would work out. I didn’t know what to expect when I arrived in Wollongong but it did not take me long to realise it was pretty similar to Christchurch where I lived for quite a few years. Even though they are both classified as cities, you could walk down the street (with Kennards uniform on) and people would start talking to you regarding the centre and
when it would be opening, feeling like you were already a local.
Mark Montgomery with the first customer for Kennards Wollongong
First Caravan Storers at Kennards Wollongong
Kennards Kourier Jan 2013
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