eKourier April 2010
Global Credit Card Fraud Compliance Programme to Impact KSS
What is PCI Compliance? PCI (Payment Card Industry compliance is a complex and ever evolving requirement affecting millions of businesses worldwide. The Compliance programme is enforced through the major banks and has to do with the secure protection of credit card information. Frustrated by log ins and passwords? Brace yourselves for change! KSS is not exempt and obligated under the programme to demonstrate compliance. Commercially we are accountable for the protection of credit card information which passes through any of our systems or even across the counter. “A lot of the work that will make KSS compliant will be back end and hardly noticed day to day.” PCI compliance has actually been around for some years now, the problem was merchants never quite understood the requirements and resisted ‘change’ and the cost in becoming compliant. Today however PCI Compliance is a reality, Merchants that cannot demonstrate compliance are being Why now? Times have changed.
issued with fines in excess of $100,000 quarterly, and up to ten times that amount where systems have been compromised facilitating fraud. The Good News? A lot of the work that will make KSS compliant will be back end and hardly noticed day to day. The process in
becoming compliant is a progressive one, meaning we do not have to tick all the boxes all at once allowing us to allocate resources and apply change over a period of time. Examples of changes which will affect you: Over the coming months you can expect changes in many shapes and sizes, some of those are below: - Inability to view any credit card information whatsoever once it has been entered in StorMan - Re configuration of EFTPOS terminals to see most transaction’s handled directly through StorMan/Advam - Refunds for unused rent will be processed via Bank Transfer and Advam only - Regular changing of password’s in KOSMO and StorMan
- Keeping records holding credit card information under lock and key - Not accepting credit card information via email - Implementation of Integrated EFTPOS and online reporting - Cash refunds on buybacks will be made redundant entirely We appreciate your patience and support: PCI Compliance is a learning process for most businesses, some of it will naturally frustrate us and change the way we have done things for years, the reality however is it is now a necessity and should be perceived as just another type of ‘progress’ in bettering our business, protecting customer information whilst reducing our vulnerability commercially. Jeff Xanthos
First Wine Tasting a Great Success!
Kennards and United Cellars first wine tasting took place at KSS Artarmon. Using the centres venue to set up wine tastings in the form of a treasure hunt! The night was a great success. vacant storage units as a good
Kennards Kourier April 2010
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