eKourier April 2009
KSS BLOG Goes Live!
“In pursuit of our 3 Year Plan - we identified that we needed to generate more relevant and new ways to attract people to our web site” web site more appealing to internet search engines and improves our ranking. The Blog already holds a great deal of new information about how we have assisted in helping people effected by the Victorian bush fires, about the opening of our new sites at Chatswood and Hoxton Park as well as more detailed stories on things such as wine storage and industry fact sheets. Have a look at this link to see the latest information right now: http://www.kss. com.au/blog/ Stay tuned and up to date on what is happening at KSS through our Blog. As different media become more prevalent on the web you never know what might appear to help anyone interested in storage or KSS. How easy could it be for our customers to view a short video on what self storage is all about? We see some potentially powerful ideas and great advantages with an effective email communication strategy. The dynamic, flexible and interactive nature of e-mail is very strong. Latest e-mail capture ratios show the company average was 64% in June ’08, grew to 68% in January ’09 and February has slipped to 63%. Your centre e-mail capture ratio is now visible every month on page 6 of the End of Month Report. We would like to see this exceed 70% and even 80% on a regular basis, and appreciate your support in this endeavour. Sam Kennard WHAT WILL THE BLOG CONTAIN? WHAT COULD THE FUTURE HOLD?
the term weblog) is a type of web site, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse- chronological order. “Blog” can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.
At the beginning of the year you will have noticed the launch of the KSS Blog. A new feature on our web site containing information (posts) about KSS, what we are doing or are involved in and what is happening to our business and our sites.
According to Wikipedia, a reliable and incontrovertible source on the internet (sic) - A blog (a contraction of
In pursuit of our 3 Year Plan - we identified that we needed to generate
more relevant and new ways to attract people to our web site. As good as any web site is (especially a commercial one such as our own) they don’t always have up to the minute information and news that can generate extra traffic on search engines such as Google. As more and more people shift their news and information gathering habits over to the internet the more relevant it is to have this current information immediately available for them. The Blog is an ideal place to put these press releases and information so that they are easily found.
The fresh content makes our
Darryl Hodgson
Improving Our Customer Intimacy Through Email
We are growing quite excited about the possibilities available to us with building stronger relationships with our customers through e-mail. There have been some recent initiatives in cross promoting that have had some modest success. We will continue to learn how to execute these better as a business. It is apparent that our success in this space depends on how we operate in the entire customer interaction chain. Firstly, obtaining an e-mail address in the first place is essential.
Secondly, data quality is vital. We need an active e-mail address that is accurately entered in to StorMan. Thirdly, arranging effective, meaningful and engaging messages will make the relationship with the customers much more intimate. This will improve repeat and referral business and help us to grow occupancy. Finally, maintaining an ongoing relationship after people leave us will further assist our brand. Equally, we need to be respectful of peoples desire to opt out and cease being contacted by us.
Kennards Kourier April 2009
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