Kennards Storage October eKourier Edition
Simeon Worn Assistant Manager, Three Kings NZ
Katie Jones Centre Manager, Three Kings NZ
Career background: Two years as an Assistant Cost Control Manager and one year as a Goods Receiving Supervisor at The Langham Hotel London U.K, then two years as a Senior Purchasing Receiver at Cordis/Langham Hotel Auckland NZ.
Career background: My career background is in hospitality. Prior to working at Kennards I worked in a Cake Shop which specialised in custom cakes for Birthdays and events.
Marital status? I live with my partner Shane.
Marital status? Single and ready to mingle!
Any children? No.
Any children? Not yet, but one day.
Hobbies/interests: I enjoy live music, hiking and exploring New Zealand. Next week I am off on a two week road trip around the South Island. Do you play any sport or have any special talents? I am not a big sports fan, but I recently got a bike and started cycling.
Hobbies/interests: I love playing Cricket, Golf, Tennis. Also driving through the great locations of New Zealand, the road trips have great scenery.
Do you play any sport or have any special talents? Cricket, Snooker and the odd game of Chess.
Favourite book: Robinson Crusoe.
Favourite book: Persuasion by Jane Austen.
Favourite movie: Lord Of The Rings Trilogy.
Favourite movie: I have a soft spot for cheesy action films.
Favourite restaurant/food: A nice steak and fries with a good salad on the side. I enjoy multiple restaurants and love Japanese. Where did you grow up? I grew up in South Auckland in the North Island of New Zealand, great place to travel local, with beaches nearby and also urban areas to enjoy, I had great times with friends while growing up.
Favourite restaurant/food: Any Seafood.
Where did you grow up? I am originally from the U.K and grew up in a small town in South Lincolnshire. The whole area is completely flat and famous for its fields of tulips and beautiful sunsets. Favourite holiday destinations: I really enjoy visiting the U.K to catch up with friends and family. I would love to do more traveling in Europe.
Favourite holiday destinations: I loved my sailing trip in Croatia, perfect blue water and cliffs.
5 Kennards Kourier Oct 2020
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