Kennards Storage October eKourier Edition
This phrase has been repeated many times, but the question is, where and how can we apply this in the workplace? STAY FOCUSED, THINK POSITIVE, BE CONFIDENT AND TAKE ACTION
I t is simple to apply this in the public, workplace, or at home. Train your thoughts to think positive and be confident with yourself to converse with your customers in an engaging manner. This will create a positive atmosphere within your centre that will ensure that your customers will enjoy the high quality service that is expected from any business. E V E R Y CUSTOMER YOU GREET IS A NEW OPPORTUN I TY FOR POTENTIAL BUSINESS. AS WE CONVERSE WITH THEM,WECREATE A P R O F E S - SIONAL AND H A R M O N I O U S RELATIONSHIP TO ASSIST THEIR STORAGE NEEDS. At the centre service level there are countless opportunities for us as Team Members to stay focussed, think positively, be confident and act on it. A simple example could be a customer walking into your centre to purchase a marking pen. This is a great opportunity for you to think; how am I going to give this customer a positive impression and a lifelong memorable experience? To ensure that your customer receives the best service from Kennards, you
could approach them with a greeting such as "Good morning, welcome to Kennards!" Smile and politely ask your customer how you can assist them today. Your smiles, greetings and welcoming attitude will instantly create a positive impression about you and the centre. This will encourage your customer to open up to you in regard to their storage needs. It is important to listen to your customer before suggesting a suitable solution to assist them and eventually create an opportu- nity to seal a business deal. Every customer you greet is a new opportunity for potential business. As we converse with them we create a professional and harmonious relation- ship to assist their storage needs. Exchanging greetings with a simple, “Good morning, How are you and your family? How is your business going? How are your kitchen renovations?" This will allow your customers to open with an anecdote of their day. Take mental notes about their context and situation as it provides a great source for potential business opportu- nity. For example, you could conclude that Ben requires more storage space, or a new storage unit to account for his influx of pallet deliveries. Take the opportunity to direct Ben to a suitable storage unit and give him the option to rent it on the spot. Constantly reassure your customers that you are there to assist them with their storage needs showing that you care for their well-being. In summary, stay focussed, think positively, be confident and take the initiative to attend to your customer’s needs. It is always worth the initial effort.
“I have never used paid storage before and relied on family, but this has obvious problems and the reason I turned to Kennards. From the initial phone call the staff treated us like valued customers, never being sold to or asked for commitment. Once we signed up at Southport and dropped off the first load I realised the value of these multi storey single building facili- ties. Everything is easy to get to, from loading to unloading a vehicle, while all the equipment needed to move furniture, boxes, mattresses is available, even a large enclosed trailer. I couldn’t recommend this amazing new facility enough." Rob "The heart and soul of Kennards, Pymble, lives in the phenomenal Varsha! When we first came to look at possible storage we were greeted by her exceptional profes- sionalism and her beautiful person- ality. Varsha was able to cater to our exact needs and we knew straight away that this is where we needed to be. The best customer service and the best coffee!" Matt and Em "Can't talk highly enough about this place, especially Jay and Michelle. They constantly go above and beyond expectations, and are always a pleasure to deal with. Thanks so much Chatswood!" Antonella "Tom and Steve couldn’t be more helpful with our endless questions. Great job guys, thanks so much for your continuing service." Raelene
Gladesville Team Anton Robertson and Anthony Heng
11 Kennards Kourier Oct 2020
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