KSS eKourier October 2022


A WORK OF ART ON OUR DOORSTEP lost to us. Rather than letting them waste away, Kennards Self Storage took on the project of saving this piece of history. Kennards contacted Interna- tional Conservation Services (ICS) and along with building contractor, Andersal and Demlakian Consulting Engineers, took on the careful restoration work.

The sculptures are in a stable condition and the strength provided to the cement surfaces by the consolidation treatment will improve the retention of fine surface detail and promote good preservation outcomes in the future. The condition of the sculptures has been improved by the removal of surface soiling and the repointing of cracks and joins that were allowing increased water ingress. The areas at highest risk of failure are the newly instated polyurethane mastic seams between the sculptures and the wall, which will serve as points where moisture gathers. Given the internal wall surface is not sealed, it is hoped that excess moisture from the environ- ment will evaporate through the back of the wall and cause minimal harm to the sculptures. Regular annual inspec - tions by specialist conservators are recommended to assess the condition of the sculptures and wall system moving forward. A close-range condition assessment of the Paul Beadle sculpture was undertaken on 6th December 2021 by Nicola Ashurst (Head of Conservation, Objects and Outdoor Heritage). Conservation works commenced in December 2021 and were completed in March 2022 by Alis Jitarescu (Objects Conservator), Kristina Taylor (Graduate Conservator & Technician), Claire Rowson (Conservation Manager) and Nicola Ashurst. Kennards Self Storage, along with ICS and Anderal are very proud to have been part of a project where a part of Sydney’s past was saved and preserved for the future. Kennards Self Storage has many examples of giving buildings from the past a second life and prevented them from being torn down. If you're ever are in need for some Space for Change then we are for you!

Commencing in December 2021, ICS worked in conjunction with building contractor, Andersal and Demlakian Consulting Engineers who were tasked with removing and replacing the failing render wall around the artworks.

The surfaces were dusty with atmospheric pollutants settling

and cracks. This was completed by packing areas with a compatible mortar mixture, colour matched to the original Celerite. Paul Beadle preparing the model of the farmer, from which the moulds would have been made in preparation for casting. Source: NSW State Library.

particularly on the horizontal surfaces and throughout the surfaces were granulated and powdery due to the degradation of the binder materials in the cementitious blend. Other breakages and losses were minimal as can be expected by their high and therefore protected position on the Kennards building façade.

ICS and Andersal then worked closely to integrate the fresh render of the wall with the aesthetic appearance of the sculptures and to ensure that the total system of the building façade and sculptural works presented in a harmonious and integrated way as the sculptures begin their next chapter as a wonderful public artwork.

The first step to conserve the artworks was to gently clean by brushing and vacuuming away the accumu- lated dirt. Any staining of the cement was carefully removed with chemical solvents and mechanical methods. Specialist Stone Masons from Brookvale Stone were engaged to undertake some mortar repairs to joins

Antone Boustani NSW Operations Manager

11 Kennards Kourier Oct 2022

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