Ekourier Oct 2008

Koala Self Storage now affiliated with KSS

By now you would have heard about Kennards new and exciting affiliation with Koala Self Storage in Western Australia. Same initials as us by chance! Koala Self Storage is the first company to join the programme. The programme is targeted at independently operated self storage companies in areas where Kennards are unable to provide storage. Koala Self Storage has been in business for the past 13 years and conveniently located in Perth at Programmes like this allow us to introduce our affiliates as our preferred storage provider giving the customer peace of mind and saving them time during their stressful move. It means we are now capable of providing the customer names, contact information & references from our website and in return receive a reciprocated service from Koala. PEP UP a great success again Osborne Park (only 8kms from the CDB) and O’Connor (14kms from the CBD), both Koala centres are located in industrial areas that are predominately occupied by small businesses.

The affiliation programme is another step forward for KSS in helping customers find the complete storage solution. - Fiona Harding Osborne Park

September 21 to 24th saw the 4th Personal Effectiveness Program being held at Kangaroo Valley. The 3 days were packed with sessions which helped participants to begin their self awareness journey understanding not only their own behaviours, but the impact their behaviour has on others. There were some intense, emotional moments, balanced with lots of laughter, fun and camaraderie between the team members. Below is a short review by Amanda of her experiences at PEP UP. “I had a fantastic experience at Pep Up and would highly recommend this to anyone who is interested in further developing themselves. The course was thought-provoking and the coaches were personable and inspiring. Kangaroo Valley Bush Retreat is a beautiful location, it’s an ideal place to reflect and focus on changes in your life.”

Front row L to R: Amanda Mikolajs, Sandra Shaw, Nardia Janek, John Scerlic, Phyllis Jallais, Delna Dugdale, Cameron Ferguson. Back row L to R: Matoa Bell, Sue Best, Patrick Rossow, Nick Ley, Andrew Kirkham, Glen Bayley and Tim ferris from TPF Training and Consulting.

Kennards stepping out for Stepping Stone Foundation

Team Members of Kennards Self Storage recently stepped out to run/ walk the City2Surf with 70,000 other entrants on a day that started off chilly but soon thawed out to great

weather for the 14km expedition. Kennards decided to use this event to help raise money for one of their well known charities, the Stepping Stone Foundation. With great effort and participation from Kennards Self Storage they raised $4,200 for Stepping Stone. A great day was had by all and next year Kennards hope to get more people involved and raise even more money for this great cause. Thank you for your support and donations, the event was a big success!

Sharon Dux and Fiona Harding ready to run the City2Surf

HK Tung, Fiona Harding and Sharon Dux wearing their Kennards shirts and sporting their City2Surf medals


Kennards Kourier October 2008

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